God, you guys are such partypoopers!

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"Where are we going?" I yelled to my best friend, Everly, as she pulled me through the massive crowd of drunk, dancing juniors.

"To the bathroom. Where else?" Everly looked at me as if I were crazy, and squeezed me past a group of girls, squealing and dancing.

Jordan Trements 2 story mansion was quite the place to party and crash at every Saturday for most of the highschoolers at Hemmley High, but for me it was a nightmare. The last two times Everly had pleaded me to come here I had managed to stand upright the whole time, but this time there seemed to be an extra handful of people. The loud music and colorful, darting lights made me dizzy and my head pounded from a headache that I thought had gone away with my fever yesterday.

As Everly led me upstairs, I rubbed my clammy palms on the dark olive green dress I was wearing. I was glad I had worn this dress because it did a great job at covering my thighs and chest, unlike the other 50 girls who were either dancing or busy making out in the basement.

I wondered how we would get out of here, since our ride, Dylan Stuarts was nowhere to be seen. As Everly tightened her grip on my thin wrist, I was yanked forward and suddenly
onto the bathroom floor.

"I am never attending Jordans parties again!" Everly screeched, rubbing her eyes only to smudge mascara all over her face.

"You said that last time Evie." I said, rolling my eyes. I traced my finger over the furry bathroom mat, waiting for Everly to begin her typical Saturday night rants.

"I mean, who does Chloe think she is? Like,  if shes Kim Kardashian then please let me know because I've mistaken her for a two headed snake!" She yelled into her hands as she rested on my shoulder. The bathroom was small, but enough to fit a bathtub, toilet and a sink, leaving very little slace for us to sit.

"First, that animal freaking spilled water all over my dress! And now she has the guts to uninvite me to Lauries sleepover!?" I watched her face turn the shade of a beetroot as she mentioned the sleepover that she had waited for months to get invited to.

"Well, you can take my invitation to Lauries sleepover."

"Audrie, are you serious? As much as I would love to spend a night at the biggest house in the state, I would never take your place." She fumed, shaking her head.

"I didn't even want an invitation. You got me one. And besides what would I do there without you in the middle of a bunch of strangers?"

"Theyre not strangers Aud. We have been in the same class as them since kindergarten."

"And yet I dont know them, unless you count the fact that I've learned that they can be a couple of brats when they want to." I said, using the cabinet doors on top of the sink to hoist myslef up.

I looked in the mirror at my sweaty face and brown hair. As I washed up and tied my hair into a loose ponytail, Everly kept whining.

"Well, if you don't want to go then lets crash at your house next Sunday. I pissed my mom off for permisson to the sleepover. I didn't get the silent treatment from her for nothing, man." She said as she got up and draped an arm over my shoulder.

"Eww, get off me, you're m sweaty!" I screeched, disgusted as her sticky bare arms touched my neck.

"I just wanna go home." She cried like a 5yr old.

"Lets go then!" I said, unlocking the door.

"We gotta find Dylan though! I wonder where that dumbhead is. Probably making out with a junior." She rolled her eyes.

As we made our way through the sweaty half naked bodies once again, our eyes stayed alert, hoping to see a mop of wavy blond hair, but we had no luck. Pretty soon we had searched everywhere, and Everly suggested we check in the most dreaded place: the basement.

As we trodded down the narrow stairs we heard the sound of crashing and yelling from a movie. We reached the bottom of the stairs to find a few guys sprawled over 2 giant blue sofas in front of a wide flatscreen TV playing Ironman. My eyes lingered over the giant space and finally set on a mop of blond hair playing pool. I nudged Everly, who was staring disgustingly at a couple in the far corner of the room, and nodded toward Dylan. We watched for a minute as he threw his head back and hooted with an ugly laugh.

"I hope nobody has to have a neighbor as disgusting as that guy!" Everly whispered into my ear before stomping off to him and yelling at Dylan, yanking him towards the door. He waved to his friends and slapped Everlys hand away.

Dylan fished out his keys from his coat and jogged up the stairs. I thought of how well he managed to ignore us as if we were annoying stalkers even when we had known him ever since he had moved into the house in front of Everlys. He smirked at me before finally getting out of the house and into the car.

"God, you guys are such partypoopers! I could have enjoyed myself tonight!"

"Well im glad you didn't." Everly said, shutting him up with a death threatening look. If only looks could kill.
Nobody talked the long car ride home, and I prayed Dylan would F off, watching the mirror as he gave me his evil toothed smile and wink once in a while. I hated this guy.

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