I Don't Usaully Argue, But...

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I had stayed over at Evie's house that night and we ranted on and on about Chloe and her minions, teachers, and Dylan. Everytime she said his name, I gagged, thinking back to how much of a bitch he was. I remebered how in 8th grade he had told the whole class that he liked me and did you-know-what with me and lied that I liked him back. It took me months to get over that. It took me years to get him to understand that no matter how many times he touched me or put his hand on my back, I wasnt going to like him back, because he was a womanizer. He changed girlfriends faster than my dad flips through channels when there's no interesting games.

Sometime in the middle of our ranting session, me and Everly fell asleep.
The next morning I rode my bike back to my house with a backpack full of my clothes strapped to me, hours before Everly would wake up, since it was only 7:00 am.

As I biked through the clear roads the wind pushed my hair back and I took in the refreshing smell of freshly cut grass.

All of a sudden, a black car came directly towards me, out of nowhere. Before I could think I steered to the left as the car lightly bumped into my bicycle, making me lose my balance and fall onto the sidewalk, luckily on a giant patch of grass. The car stopped seconds later and a guy quickly jumped out and ran to the bumper of his car to examine any destruction.

"Fu*k!" He yelled, sweeping his hand over a small but visible scratch. I pulled myslef up as he whipped around to look at me. Surprisingly, instead of apologising he yelled at me.

"You ruined my brand new Toyota!" He hissed.

"Excuse me? You punctured my bicycle tire!" I said, suddenly angry that this random stranger thought he could yell at me. For some reason, he looked familiar.

"Well what am I supposed to do if you can't ride a freaking bicycle!?" He screeched. I glared at the guy in front of me. He was wearing a faded, grey Champion sweatshirt and matching sweatpants. The guy had wavy hair, as brown as mine.

"Says the guy who is driving in the middle of the road without a care in the world!" I huffed back at him. I crossed my hands over the worn out denim jacket and plain red shirt I wore, picking at the hem of my denim skirt. Usaully I wouldn't start an arguement with a random stranger but in the mornings I was cranky.

"I could say the same to you! And what the heck are you doing out in the road at 7 am!?" He yelled.

"I dunno, I could say the same to you." I replied. I watched as he stared at me for a minute in disbelief since I had just used his words against him.

Leaving him no time to reply to me, I stomped back to where my bicycle lay on the sidewalk. I hauled it up with great effort and got it to roll on the back tire as the front one was punctured badly. It would take my double the time to get home now I thought. As I felt someone watching me, I looked back. As soon as our eyes met the guy rushed inside his car, sparing me a glance before racing off in his 'new' car.

It took me an extra 20 minutes to get home and by the time my mother opened the door for me it was 7:30.

"Honey, you should have told me you were staying over at the Prescotts." She told me as I jumped onto the counter, stuffing my face with warm avacado toast.

"Sorry Mom, I was a bit tired after the party last night." I replied, as my dad walked down the stairs in his basketball-themed pajamas.

"Its fine, sweety." She replied with a warm smile. I watched her hum around the kitchen and admired the fact that I had gotten my looks from her. Her hair was wavy and the same chestnut dark brown as mine, and our dark green eyes were the same. We even shared the same birthmark, a tiny freckle-like dot on the left side of our top lip.

"What took you so long? You texted me that when you left the Prescott Residence at 6:55. It shouldn't have taken that long, Audrie." My dad, the buisness tycoon, Paul Beckett, said to me. Today was one of the only days of my summer vacation that my dad was home and not flying over the country for meetings.

"Sorry, Dad, I did get out of the house on time but I accidently bumped into this guys car. Well, he bumped into me, actually." I said.

"You what!?" My mother spun around from the sink, fast enough to cut the air. She looked me up and down, horrified.

"Mom, I'm not hurt. I'm Im fine. The only thing hurt is my bicycle tire." I said, annoyed. I know that I should have been happy that my parents cared so much for me, but I also knew that the reason behind it was something else, not me at all.

"Let's get your tire fixed, Papa." My dad sighed at my mothers exaggerated worrying. I grinned at his nickname for me that he had come up with when I was just a little girl.

I nodded and went outside with the man whom I was so used to seeing wearing a suit, that a smile spread across my face when he got down on his hands and knees to give my tire a look. As the world started waking up and the smell of breakfast came from neighboring houses, I sat cross-legged next to my father and enjoyed the moments when I got to have him back.
Sorry that this is a long chapter, I know most of the stories on Wattpad are around 700 words per chapter, but it just makes more sense to include these things all in one chapter instead of seperating them:)

Until the next chapter, vote and comment away:)
With Love,

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