Weight of the Crown ♤ Built To Last Part 1

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Brooke Lynn's POV

"Welcome back to the grand finale of Rupaul's Drag Race. Are you all ready to crown America's next drag superstar?" The whole theater goes wild at Ru's question.

"Before anything else, please help me welcome back our Top 4 Queens..."

The entire audience rose from their seats to welcome this season's candidates for the crown, A'Keria, Nina, Yvie... and myself. The adrenaline, the pure excitement we felt from walking down the red carpet, I can still feel it like it was yesterday.

The girls and I are seated inside a small room, hands entertwined as we watch the final episode air. Yes, it's taped and taken ahead of time, but nobody knows who will be declared the actual winner. All four of us had the chance to walk as the winner, but the one whose shot is going to be broadcasted will be crowned winning queen of the season.

More than the volume of the television in front of us, or the crazy pounding of my heart, the uncontainable cheering outside made me so anxious. My mommy, my family, Vanjie, the other queens from the season... everybody is outside, watching this moment with us. My heart feels like it's going to burst with the thought of walking out there as the new winner, but at the same time, I don't know how I'm going to keep my head held high if that doesn't happen.

"Now, only 10 people in this planet have experienced the privelege of the title, and the weight of the crown. Help me welcome back the winner of Rupaul's Drag Race Season 10, Aquaria!"

The curtains reveal last season's winner, Aquaria, in the most stunning aqua dress this crowd has ever seen. She is, like any other day, painted for the gods like a female version of Poseidon. Aquaria's outfit is patterned towards "Queen of the Sea" which is just the perfect theme for her. This look will go down in herstory as one of the best looks, alongside the phenomenal aesthetic that Violet Chacki exuded in Season 8's crowning.

Aquaria gives a small speech of appreciation, but none of the words register in my head as I get lost in my thoughts. The girls and I are silent as a grave, and Yvie's grip on my hand makes me feel like it's going to break.

"After four intense lipsync performances from our top 4 queens, the time has come to crown America's Next Drag Superstar."

Vanjie's POV

"Yaaasss! Come on Mama Ru we're all dying here!"

We all cheer for our favorite queens in the crowd. I am standing next to Silky and the other queens from the Season, and earth knows I'm rooting for my one and only Brooke Lynn.

She must be so anxious right now, I can only imagine. I wish I was right beside her, holding her hand and making sure she's not getting into her head.

"The winner of Rupaul's Drag Race... America's Next Superstar is..."

Everyone held their breath at Ru's last word. Nobody dared to move, out eyes on the screen right in front of us. The whole club is packed, yet one can drop a bobby pin and hear it collide with the floor. That's just how entranced we are.

"Brooke Lynn Hytes!"

Brooke Lynn's POV


The girls suddenly jumped at me as each of them gave me a celebratory hug. Not long after, I am dragged all the way to the stage, to see the wild crowd waiting for their new queen.

Aquaria handed over the most beautiful crown I've ever seen, one I only imagined in my dreams. I tremble at the thought of such jewel on my head, but the roaring applause and cheers bring me back to my senses. This is real. This is very real.

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