The Show's Over ♤ Built To Last Part 3

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Content Warning: The following chapter leads to the conclusion of the story, involving the depiction of unconsented sexual activity.

Brock's POV

The night ended without me seeing Vanjie, or Jose for that matter. He never came back for the afterparty, and the event itself dragged for hours. He was all I could think of, behind every picture we took and every smile I flashed. I've done him wrong and this is my fault.

I immediately checked my phone as soon as I got back to my place, only to find dozens of messages and missed calls. I tried calling her back several times, but I only get a robot's voice telling me that she's out of reach. I've called at least once for each hour that has passes by, but the result remains the same.

All night, I haven't slept a wink as thoughts of her fail to escape my mind. What is she doing? Did I make her cry? Is she awake? Is she safe? Why can't I reach her? Did something happen?

When I overthink, I die inside a little bit. And I've been at it for the past six hours. I might as well just die if I don't hear from her or see her.

*ding ding ding*

Huh? How could anybody random send me a message? I thought I already-


I almost drop my phone after opening the attachment that came with the empty message.


Jose's POV

No, no, no. This can't be.

Think, Jose! What happened? Why is someone, who sounds insanely just like Brock, at your door when you spent the rest of the night with him? And he's goddamn screaming like he's ready to kill!

I get up from the bed, only to discover that I'm just in my boxers and nothing else. And this ain't even my boxers.



All the screaming and banging from the other side makes me freeze on the spot, and I cannot bring myself to move.

I don't understand what's going on! My mind is so fucked up... I can't even remember anything from last night. This is terrible!


". . ."

". . ."

". . ."

"Well, are you just going to stand there after making a big ruckus?"

Holy shit. This makes no sense.

No logic can explain what the fuck is going on.

"What the-"

"Bro, if you're just going to cause trouble then I suggest-"

"Move out of my way!"

There he is. The man I've been looking for all morning. The man I thought I was with the whole night.

Brock Hayhoe.

Brock's POV

As soon as the door opens, some unfamiliar man tells me what to do. I feel a quick urge to punch him in the face for having the nerve to show up in my boyfriend's apartment, half naked, and command me to walk away.

But I control my temper and focus on looking for Jose. I shove the stranger to the side, simply earning a shrug from them.

There he was, standing right next to the bed with only a bewildered expression and his boxers on.

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