Ginny Pregnant

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Quidditch_Queen  My baby Zeus is gonna be a big brother in a few months

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Quidditch_Queen  My baby Zeus is gonna be a big brother in a few months

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Tagged Chosen_Potter

Bookworm_Malfoy - Wait...NO WAY GINNY YES YES YES

Loony_Longbottom - Yesss!!!!

Weasley_Queen - Whoo!!!! Go Ginny!!!!

Not_George_Weasley - How does Chosen_Potter feel ab this lol

Chosen_Potter - Not_George_Weasley let's just say that this was a huge surprise

Weasley_King - Yay new niece or nephew

Quidditch_Queen - Weasley_King stoppppp

Blonde_Zabini - Your wish has been granted Gin!

Sporty_Angelina - Yay more cousins!!!

Slytherin_Prince - Wow congrats

Neville_Longbottom - What a wonderful surprise

The_Gryffindor_Twin - Brave of you Ginny lol

Hot_Blaze - Go Zeus!

Irish_Finnigan - Yea go Zeus!

The_Ravenclaw_Twin - Yay!

Lavender_Sunset - Completely off topic but your dog is sooo cute

Quidditch_Queen - Lavender_Sunset thank you

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