Chapter 3

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Ratchet left Breakdown covered in his own energon and took little Braceup with him.

Ratchet led Braceup down a dimmed corridor until we came to a large door. He looked down at me "Braceup this is were your real life will begin"

I was made to sign some papers and i was shipped of to the Autobot training planet.

Training was hard, we were taught how to fight and for hours we would go over and over the same moves until they were perfect.

After training you would go get yourself washed up, briefing about the next day then it was your down time. I walked into my dorm and sat myself down on the end of my berth. "Femmes shouldnt be allowed to fight, what a pile of junk they are" Jawbreak laughed away in the corner to everyone. I chose to ignore him yet he was still getting on my grill. No one seemed to take kindly to femme bots, i was warned by one when i first came to this planet. She was only passing me as i was coming in her words were "you do not know what you have got yourself into. This is no place for a femme." that was all she said just as she signed herself out of training and was never seen again.

I looked up to see a bot called Bandit walk his way in. He threw a large bag down beside his berth and high five Jawbreak. "Ah, Jawbreak my good friend its nice to be finally moved up to the elite fighting platoon" Bandit looked over at me then at Jawbreak. "This cannot be surely this femme bot isnt worthy to be a skilled fighter". "Afraid so Bandit". Just as Bandit was about to say something an autobot Elite gaurd walked in "stand too". We all stood at attention. Something about this bot was familiar to me he was all white with blue colouring but i couldn't pin point it out. "My name is Icuras Prime and you will do well to obey my orders if not i will send your chassis elsewhere is that understood?". "YES SIR". He went round the room and asked everyone there name until he came to me. "Ah, a femme bot on the elite time how intriguing and by what do they call you?". I had to look up to meet his gaze "Braceup sir". He suddenly looked stunned and his expression changed. "Half a glitch then outside prepare for battle training". I stood up straight "Sir".

I went out into the court yard to find Icuras standing there with his face sheild activated. I activated mine and with a metalic noise it clicked into place. Icuras's blade dropped down from his wrists. "Show me what you've got femme".

I darted towards him and with one swift movement i was up in the air aiming my blade towards him. He suddenly flicked me away like i was a bug and i landed on the floor sliding along the ground. "Frag" i told myself as i heaved myself up. I suddenly felt pressure on my chest to then realize i was pinned against the metal wall. I used all my strength to push him off me and wrapped my legs around him and brung him to the floor with my blade directly near his spark. I watched it roar with a burst of energy. " Now i see why your on the team Brace". I suddenly clicked it was my child hood friend. " You dust bag its been many of cycles since i seen you and been called that". I helped him up as he gave me a tight hug. "Still have that fighting spirit like you've always had" he said just as he gently nipped my jaw line. "You need to grow though, you are tiny" he giggled away.

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