61. Fight

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We all stood there in silence until I spoke up. "Guys, it's fine, you don't have to be like that he's trying to apologize." I said calmly.

"No it's ok.. they're right about me not having any business here. I shouldn't have come." Harry said, turning towards the door.

I grabbed his arm before he could leave. "No, trust me. Stay." I whispered to him. Jc was staring at me.

He sighed. "I can't ." He said as walked out of the house.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Jc asked. "He tried to rape you! He slept with Sarah even though we all knew she was with Kian! He had a whole ass relationship with Franny! How could you bring him to our house?" He yelled. I just stared at him, tears in my eyes.

"He could have hurt you Taylor! And Bobby you are no fucking better, why the hell would you let her bring him here. Just fucking stupid, both of you." He yelled.

Kian pushed him back, "What the hell is wrong with you Jc? She was trying to help asshole!" Kian said. I glanced over at Bobby, who was staring at his feet.

Jc pushed Kian back and said, "you're a fucking dumbass too Kian. Harrison stabbed you in the back so many times and yet Taylor brings him here and you're still on her side." He said to him.

Then Jc turned back to me, "You wanna help? Stop fucking trying so hard!" He yelled. It got quiet as my tears started to fall. Corey, Bobby, and Kian all stared at Jc.

"Got it." I said quietly, turning and walking out the door. I slammed it shut behind me and started walking. I don't know where I was going, but I knew I had to go somewhere.


kian POV

Taylor ran out of the house and i looked at jc. "There you go again jc." I said. I went to follow her but jc stopped me.

"what the fuck does that mean?"

"does it make you feel good to treat her like that? does it make your adrenaline pump and hit some sick nerve that makes you want to do it more?"

"shut the fuck up."

"No, no seriously. How about cheating on her and lying through your teeth when you say that she means the world to you? Does it make you happy inside jc?"

"i swear to fucking god kian one more time."

"She means everything to you jc? That's how you treat the girl that you say you want to be with for the rest of your life. Well i have some news for you. She can only take so much of your lying, cheating, manipulative, 'i'll never do it again' ass before she leaves you." i yelled.

jc punched me as hard as he could in the face. we got a couple good hits on eachother before jc pushed me back into a shelf. jc cut his arm on a nail and all the glass fell on top of me.

taylor POV

The only thing that threw me off was nobody following me. It wasn't that I expected it, it just always happened. I stopped for a second and just stood there. I was about halfway down the street.

That was until I heard a shatter of glass inside the house. I ran back as fast as I could and swung the door open. A shelf was tipped over with a bunch of glass on it and jc was leaning on the counter behind it, Corey holding him back. He had a bloody lip and his eye was turning black and blue, there was a deep cut in his arm.

Kian was standing by the Tv, wiping the blood from his nose and ignoring all the little scratches on his arms and the gash in his forehead. Bobby stood in front of him, making sure he didn't go after Jc again.

I walked over to Kian and gave him a look like, 'follow me'. He nodded and started walking with me. We walked into the bathroom and I shut the door behind us.

He sat on the toilet while I grabbed the peroxide, cotton balls, and wound closure strips.

One by one I dabbed the peroxided cotton balls on his little cuts. They weren't too deep, just enough so they bleed.

It was silent in the little bathroom. I took a big qtip and dipped it in the peroxide. Then, I dabbed it on the gash in his forehead. He flinched a little. "I'm sorry." I said quietly. Kian locked eyes with me, "It's okay, keep going."

I dabbed it a couple more times and then put 4 wound closure strips on it. Then, I took a paper towel and wet it, and wiped the blood from his lip.

"Thanks." He said as he looked in my eyes. He was looking at me different then he had before. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I'd seen that look before.

I threw away the stuff and asked him, "what the hell happened?"

"I called him out and he got mad and punched me, then I punched him back and he pushed me into the shelf and all the stuff fell on me and cut me, then bob and Corey split us up." Kian said as he stood up.

"Called him out on what?"

"Just.. just how he treats you and stuff."

I shut the bathroom light out and we walked back in the living room. Jc was sitting on the couch with his black eye and blood still pouring from his gash. His fists were bloody too.

"help Kian but not your boyfriend." Jc said angrily.

"You told me to stop trying to help, so why the hell would I?" I asked as I grabbed a water, then went to Kian's room.

Kian followed me and shut the door behind him. "I should just stop trying with him." I said quietly.

"If that's what you want to do, do it." He told me.

"Fuck," I sighed. "I can't."

"That's okay." He said as he laid down.

"He's just such an asshole sometimes." I said, laying down next to Kian.

"I know." He said quietly. Then, he put his head back on the pillow and fell asleep. It didn't take me very long to do the same.

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