Skipping forward

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The rest of the days ended up like the day I told you about, except switching between green and purple days. I'm just going to skip all the way to April 29, 2014 (My 13th birthday) I did nothing for my birthday all my friends chose the theme and my cake and we'll everything.  I had no Idea what to expect, and as I expected it was everything I loved reading, writing, and music. Also all of my presents had something to do with at least one of the three. After everyone left my parents gave me their present. For some odd reason they wouldn't let me open it with my friends around.

"We know we should have told you this earlier but now that your 13 you are finally aloud to know" my parents said. I was really confused.

"What do you mean?!"

"Well Harmony" said my mom

"Your not actually, fully a human" my dad finished.


WHAT AM I THEN!!!" I say freaking out. My parents answer as calmly as they can.

"Your a...

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