Hello New York

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We got to New York exactly one week after my parents died and when I saw Melody I knew exactly who she was. She was my twin sister. She had pink hair and she was very cheery just like me her wings were angel white with blue streaks in them like my wings. I understood everything with my sister around.

“Harmony is that really you!?!?” Melody half whispered and screamed.

“Melody!! I remember I’ve missed you so much” I cried, tears of joy steaming down our eyes. Andrian stood back feeling a little left out until I pulled him into a hug screaming “Thank you”

“Harmony,” Melody smirked “Are you going to introduce me to your friend”

I looked at Andrian and said, “ This is the one who brought us together” I said now looking at Melody “ My #1 friend” a smile spreading across my face.

“ Yup only friends” Andrian laughed and I joined as well. Melody with a huge smile across her face. We talked for ages until Melody said, “ We better go home I made the best room for Harmony and I have an extra room Andrian could use”

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