*chapter 5* angel

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⚠️T h i s   b o o k  i s   u n d e r ⚠️
c o n s t r u c t i o n

I made this 2 or 3 years ago

And it's wack, wait until I come back on


But if you really want cringe, then please :)

Keep reading for there is plenty :))))


      (Also one of my husbandos is in this)

Class ended thankfully sooner than you thought. As soon as the bell rang you yeeted out of there, avoiding glares from people.

You opened your locker and shoved your books in your
(f/c) satchel, quickly grabbed your skateboard, then slammed the locker shut. You ran towards the entrance swiftly dodging people even after Izu tried to talk to you.

You skated towards an old park that was behind a school.
You sat behind the slide and recalled the moments that just occurred.

'Why can't I do anything right.... I hate myself..... aghhhh
But I have to try....try to be a hero without mom.. Without anyone....' you thought.
You then got up and started to walk away but got cut off when you saw something above the school on the roof.

'What the...' then what you heard was even more depressing.

"I'm sorry I can't be a hero... sorry mom...sorry dad....sorry for existing... but I'm about to fix it... fix it all. I'm going to do the world a favor..." The person said. Then they started to lean foward.

Soon everything clicked.

'Oh my gosh... is he... NO!' Your mind raced as the falling figure was heading straight towards the ground.

Your body moved on its own, as your wings flapped, pushing you of the ground flying towards the air.
You flapped so fast, you thought you might have been faster than sonic himself.
You caught the person who was kind of heavy. Then flew down towards the ground landing swiftly with the person in your hands.

"Are you okay?!" You asked worried that you might have hurt them. You sat on the ground laying them on your lap.

"Shit am I already in heaven?" He said looking at you tears falling down from his face.

"N-no your not in heaven! Your still alive! Please don't cry!" You exclaimed.

"why did you save me? I could have helped people... I could have made everyone happy!" He sobbed. "If only you let me fall to my demise everyone would have been happy!!" He yelled, tears falling freely, seeping into your uniform.

Then what you did suprised both of you.

You hugged him tight. You buried your face in the crook of his neck. "Shhhh it's okay.....its okay" you said quietly, petting his messy purple hair.
He stiffend at first then he holded onto you, sobbing on your shoulder. Your voice soothing him as he slowly calmed down.

"What's your name?" You asked still hugging him.

"H-h-hitoshi s-shinsou... what's yours?" He asked sniffing every once in a while.

"I'm (y/n).." you replied slowly pulling away from the hug.

"W-why did you save me?" He said looking down. "You don't even know who I am.. I didn't deserve to live."

"Don't say that!" You exclaimed. Then stared at his lavender eyes.
"Don't you ever say that! Everyone deserves to live! No matter what! Good or evil!" You said louder.

He stared at you shocked from your sudden outburst.

"Sorry but it hurts seeing someone like this.." you said looking down.
"Why... why we're you trying to kill yourself?" You asked looking back up to meet his eyes.

"I-I-I have been bullied for most of my life ever since I manifested my quirk no one liked me and I personally didn't like myself either...Once I said I wanted to be a hero they all started to laugh...so here I am." he said avoiding your gaze.

"Shinsou....I understand... how it feels to feel unloved or maybe losing the hope of your world... I too have lost my one and only person... soon after I was unloved by my only family and so I was stuck in this hell.....With this curse of a quirk that forced me to train to become a hero and so I had to focus on the one hope of my world and ignored the hate and focused to become a hero... not for just people but for for myself... For my hope" you said looking deep into his eyes. You smiled sweetly. His heart fluttered at this.

"Whats is your quirk?" You asked. Tilting your head a little.

"Um..... It's best if you don't know.." he said looking away.

"Well I won't judge! My friend is quirkless and he said the  same thing you said but that didn't stop me." You stated.

"It's.... brain washing..." he said staring at the ground.

"Wow! Really?! That's so cool!" You said smiling. He looked at you dumbfounded.

"It's not. It's evil." He said, tears threatening to fall.
"You should be scared of me...."

"Well.... do you want to be a villan? Do you want me to be afraid of you?" You asked, turning his face so he could look at you.

"N-no" he said quietly.

"Well then I have no reason to be afraid! Since you have good intentions I should not be scared! I actually feel kind of safe!" You said smiling.
"You can and will become a hero." You said to him with a  determined look on your face.
"That I can promise you."

He could only stare in awe as your words really hit him in his heart. You looking gorgeous as your wings flapped along with the wind your hair dancing along. You looked, and acted like like a Angel in disguise.
"Thank you.... (y/n)" he said to you, standing up and holding out his hand which you gladly take.
"Anything for a friend." You smiled. (Dang.. u got friend zoned mah boi)

Soon that's what you became. You walked him home as you both bonded and talked about random things.

"... and that's how I got my 23rd cat- Oh! (Y/n) could I possibly have your phone number?" Shinsou asked.

"Sure!" You smiled, taking out your phone.

You both exchanged phone numbers.

"If you ever need someone or if you are ever hurt just call me mah boi, and don't you ever try to take your life ever okay?" You stated.

"Okay, I won't. Thanks (y/n)" he said smiling.

"Bye Shinsou-san!" You exclaimed skating off.

He blushed at the nickname then fangirled as he went inside. Not only did he get an amazing friend, he got inspired even more to become a hero.

                           Sorry for short chapter!
                        Thank you for reading this!

For the next chapter we will be going into the u.a entrance exam!!!

Thanks again
Wolfie over and out!
1106 words

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