V. [Kuro] Rezuille

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V. Darkness' Beginning; Light's Sudden Rising

In my rampage the whole realm turned black
Nightmares released all throughout the land
My vision hazy with self-loath and rage
My true self well hidden behind a cage.

I don't know why but i feel like something's missing
Maybe it's the warm sun or maybe something i'm lacking
The demon stopped and search for that missing piece
It seemed that he, too, could feel the need.

A song so warm likek the rising sun
Rang in my ears filling me with warmth
I was surprissed that my demon stood stiff
Can't move with unknown power, it seemed.

I saw  from far away, a figure like the sun
With golden hair and a smile so warm
Her light and she, came close to me
Touched my cheek, and then kissed me teenderly.

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