*^Chapter 1^*

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Knock knock, I swing open Fives door to see him on his bed writing down various numbers with chalk on his wall.

"Hey, do you wanna come downstairs to grab a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich?" I ask.

"Sure I'm coming down", he says while I watch him jump off his bed and follow me downstairs.

We walk into the kitchen to see Klaus and Ben eating some of mum's delicious choc-chip biscuits.

I turn to Five, "hey watch this" I cheekily exclaim.

I turn invisible and sneak up behind mum and start tickling her waist. She starts to laugh.

"Is that you Number 8?" she giggles while turning around to face me.

"You got me" I happily reply while turning visible again.

"Well then, would you like some cookies?" she asks me,

"Can I have a cookie and banana sandwich?" I question back at her.

She nods at me, "now then, would Five want a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich?".

He nods, "yes please," Five says with a grin on his face.

"Well then I'll get started", she turns around and starts making our odd sandwiches while humming to herself.

I and Five sit down and start playing scissors, paper, rock when Klaus leans over the table.

"Winner V.S me," he says while pointing to himself. "Fine" I almost immediately agree to.

I beat Five that means I have to try and beat the scissors, paper, rock champion of the house... Klaus. I gulp, scissors, paper, ro-I'm interrupted by mum putting down my sandwich. Screw the battle I'm hungry, I immediately dig. Moments later Five eats his. I'm almost done when I hear the bell that indicates dinner is ready.

We all rush into the room and stand behind our chairs until father comes down.

"Sit" he yells we all sit.

I can tell by the look on Five's face that he's irritated by something, but we can't talk at dinner. He's had enough he until he unexpectedly stabs a knife into the table, I guess to get everyone's attention.

"I have a question," Five asked,

"Knowledge is an admirable goal but, you know the rules no talking during mealtime you are interrupting Herr Carlson" Father replied not even bothering to look up from his food.

"I want to time travel," Five says looking intensely into father's eyes.

"No," he says in a dull tone like always,

"But I'm ready! I've been practising my spacial jumps just like you said". Within a couple of seconds later he's standing next to father looking down at him.

"See," he says trying to prove it to him,

"Spacial jumps are trivial when compared to the unknowns of time travel" he replies. Five goes to speak but he interrupts him,

"One is like sliding along the ice, the other is like descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water, and repairing as an acorn."

Everyone looked extremely puzzled, even grace.

"I don't get it," Five said trying to sound undefeated.

"Hence the reason your not ready",

I shook my head at Five then I nodded my head off to the side trying to get Vanya's attention for her to do the same, she did.

"I'm not afraid" he's trying to sound tough,

"Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body. Even your mind, are far too unpredictable. Now I forbid you to talk about this anymore!" Father's angry now.

Five is staring at his feet, but for a split second, he makes eye contact with me I know what he's going to do.

He bolts off " Number 5!" I follow "Number 8!" I hear in the distance.

"Five, Five," I say trying to catch my breath at the same time.

He turns around to look at me, "please don't do this" I say to him.

"Here" he hands me a silver locket with a picture of me and him in it.

"In case I don't come back", I hold it close to my chest

" I'll wear it till the day I die". He takes a deep breath then he kisses my on the cheek, I hear a swoosh sound and he's gone.

 L💜Hello everyone💜

     O 🥞It's me again sorry this one was too short or too long🥞

          V 🥞But I will continue to post but sometimes school can get a bit hectic🥞

         E🥞I love you all and deeply appreciate you guys for reading this crap🥞

       U🥞Love you all bye!!!🥞

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