The Voice

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Here is chapter one of my new addition to my BillDip series, and man am I happy for this one! Please make sure you've read book one, Discorded Love, before reading this fic. Enjoy!


Panic was best felt at night, in a cold sweat and shooting up out of sleep afraid for your life; nightmares are a bitch, and this bitch loved to visit Dipper every chance it had. The young male felt his breath force it's way out of his lungs like acid, beating on the doors of hell and burning his chest like he drank sulfur. Clinching the shirt on his chest, Gabriel continued to pant from the panic that had consumed him and ate at his dreams every night for the past two months.

Coming from the opposite side of the attic, his younger sister arose from her slumber as well and rubbed her tired eyes as she gazed over at her frightened brother. "Bro Bro, you good?" Her voice was low and mumbled due to just awoken, and curly brown hair a mess in strands that scrunched in the wrong directions with a hint of drool still on her chin.

Finally feeling relief from his gasps of air, Dipper ran his pale finger through his curly locks, sweat still dripping from his forehead and strands of hair. "It came again," His voice was a whisper while he answered, and breath shaken. "and I swear it gets worse every night."

"What happened?" Mabel stood from her bed and made her way over to her brother, plopping down next to him calmly and carefully removed his hand from his head to get a better look at him. "You can tell me."

The frightened boy nodded and took a deep breath into his lungs before he answered. "I was running through a forest; the fog was thick, and I could have sworn the trees were closing in on me with every step I took. Before I knew it, I felt it grab my feet and I slammed onto the ground; it's eyes... they were so... so dead; I couldn't help the scream leave me before it screamed WAKE UP and then I woke up as told."

A frown appeared across his sister's face before she drug her twin into a much-needed hug. "It's okay Dipper, I promise."

I hope you're right, Mabel...


The sun bled its way through the stained-glass window; shinning its golden rays of honey across his milky pale skin as he awoke from his slumber. Noticing his sister had already awoken for the morning and made her way downstairs Dipper did just the same and stumbled out of bed; his feet almost slipping on the wood as he tripped over himself from his dizzy sight complicating his reflexes. Making it into the bathroom, turning on the water and starring into the mirror; the boy splashed chilly water right onto his ghostly pale face before twisting the water off and making his way down the steps now his sight was clearer, and he wasn't going to trip anymore.

"It's alive!" Dipper heard his younger sister chime from across the room as she took another bite of her Unicorn Bits cereal; it's her favorite.

"Morning to you too." He responded before entering the kitchen and grabbing a breakfast bar to scarf down. "Wonder what strange events Grunkle Stan has planned for the Mystery Shack's reopening?" Taking a bite from his breakfast bar Dipper awaited an answer from his sister, whom was five feet deep into her bowl of cereal. The Mystery Shack has temporarily closed due to damage given in the battle against David a year ago. That also meant that Bill had been gone about a year as well, and he didn't keep his promise... he never contacted the Pines; no email, letter, phone call or text. Nothing.

"Don't know; wait, I think I saw a leprechaun that was tall." Mabel responded before taking her empty bowl into the kitchen and rinsing it out and setting it into the new dish washer.

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