In secret

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Some days passed since Ivans proposal .The two lovebirds decided to have those secret marriage as soon as possible.  Therefore , once again blessed by a beautiful night sky , they're standing on a pier next to their mansion .Only the two of them surrounded by silence .The only sounds were the crashing waves and their breaths .
Alfred was facing his lover and holding his hands .Both returning each other a smile , filled with love and happiness.  "Alfred F. Jones ... you're the man of my dreams , my only hope and happiness . You make me feel complete and loved . Nothing else in this world would make me more happier ,then spending the eternity with you . . . " He said heavily  blushing. Alfred cleared his throat. "Ivan Ivanowich Braginski... our common live has always been a challenge, so is our love right now . You're the one who makes me feel like I can reach any goal , so there's nothing else I'd wish for , but to fight any challenge together with you on my side ... until eternity ! ... So do you ,  Ivan Ivanowich Braginski... " -"Alfred F. Jones ..."  "Want to become my husband ?" Both of them said at the same time .Giving each other another smile , their faces came closer . No more words had to be exchanged , a kiss of pure love and affection was the answer of both sides .
As they dissolved their kiss , Ivan went down on one knee once again . He took one of Alfreds gloves . "Моя радость... there is one thing I want  to ask you to do ..."(My happiness ) -"W-what is it Vanya ?" Ivan kissed Alfred Hand , near the proposal ring and put the glove on . He took Alfreds hand and placed it onto his heart . Looking up , now with an sad expression ."Alfred... no matter what will happen in the future ... I'd like you to promise me , that you now that I'd always care for you ... that I'd give anything else up just for you ... so no matter what ... just now that I'm always yours, that I'll always love you ..." Alfred felt his eyes getting wet . He smiled and hugged his lover gently . "You can expect the same from me my dearest ..."

After a while they decided to head back to the mansion. "We're going to the Niagaras tomorrow. Hmm ... I wonder if we might meet Mattie there " Alfred thought . "That's Canada , am I right ?"Ivan asked . "Heck yeah dude . Wow ,you're probably one of the first to remember him instantly! You two might probably get along well ! " Ivan smirked.  "Well I think for sure much better, then you and Natalia would ,although ... who knows?" "Welp ... at least your family doesn't try to kill you and the one you love  ..." Both of them sighed . "Alright my lovely dude , enough of the sad talk ! Let's go get some good sleep ! Then tomorrow we'll see how the world is !" Ivan smiled . "Ладно !" (Ok)  Both of them walked upstairs to get ready to sleep .

Back to Feliciano:

"Ve -  Doitsu , is Gilbert okey ?" He asked as he saw Ludwig coming inside the bedroom . Feli himself , was lying on the bed , somehow he couldn't sleep so Ludwigs appearance was a blessing . The German man looked up tired and kinda lost . "Ja, luckily he's getting besser by now ... " He lied down next to Feli and sighed . Silence . "Luddy ~ do you really have to fight against America and Russia... I mean they didn't start the fight -"  "I'm sorry Feli ... there's not much,that I could tell you   .. . England has Gilbert and me under his control and now ... that my brothers is injured  I'll have to follow his orders anyway ... so he won't hurt any of you two ." He looked at the Italian , who's opened eyes were full of concern . Suddenly he hugged him. " Luddy ! I know it's hard and thank you a lot , but please try to get out of there ... I don't want you to get hurt either ... I know you can do it ! Please just try for your own sake and safety !" Ludwig gasped , but nodded eventually . "I guess now I'll have to try ... at least ...-"

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