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Spencer's POV

I tuck Noah, Toby and I's son, into bed and read him a story. After that I run into the bedroom and strip my sweats off and put this on:

 After that I run into the bedroom and strip my sweats off and put this on:

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I tie the robe shut and run into the kitchen

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I tie the robe shut and run into the kitchen. I place candels, wine, and pasta on the table. Toby will be back at around 9. He's been on a business trip for the past week and I've missed him so much. I sit in the chair that faces the door and cross my legs. A few minutes later I hear the key in the door lock and I look up and straighten out my robe. Toby shuts the door and looks up. We both smile and I walk over to him. I pull him in by his tie and we kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and mine wrap around his neck.

We sit down and eat the food I made while playing footsies under the table.
"I got desert so I'll go grab that." I smile. "Oh Mrs. Cavanaugh, can't you just be my desert?" He smirks. "Maybe I'll be your second desert." I say from the kitchen and then I walk out with ice cream and whip cream. I open the container and hand him a spoon. We eat the ice cream then start fooling around.

I sit on Toby's lap and put one arm around him, then I take my thumb and wipe whip cream off his mouth and eat it. He smiles at me and I kiss him again, kissing off the rest of the excess whip cream. Then I put some whip cream in between my cleavage. "I can't reach that whip cream to eat it, can you?" I smirk. Toby licks it off and we both smile. I straddle his lap and he picks me up. We get to the bedroom and he drops me on the bed, hovering over me. We make out for a little until we hear a voice.

"Mommy?" We both look up. When Noah sees Toby he runs up to him. "Daddy!!" Noah jumps into his arms and cuddles into Toby's chest. "Hi baby" Toby kisses all over Noah's face making him giggle. I walk over to them and put an arm on Noah's back. Toby moves so he's holding Noah with one arm. I join the hug and put my head in Toby's chest as well. "Ok Noah it's late let's put you back to bed" Toby says and walks out of the room.

I jump on the bed and untie my robe so you can see the lingerie. I fix my hair then face the door. Toby comes back in the room and his mouth drops. "Yes please" he says under his breath. He takes my robe off and kisses me all over.

2 hours later

Noah's POV

I just woke up to a loud noise, I don't know what it was but I'm kinda scared. I go to my parents room and right before I open the door, I hear a scream come from inside. It sounded like my mom. I'm too scared to go in so I picked up the house phone and called 911.

911 what is your emergency?

I woke up to my mommy screaming she's in her room.

Ok buddy what's your name?


Noah, I'm gonna need you to stay on the phone and give me your address.

Ok, what's an address?

It's where you live.

I don't know my address, but I do know that I live in the white and brown house next to Katharine State Park.

Thank you Noah.

No problem.

Did your mommy stop screaming?


Ok stay on.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. I run into my room, afraid of what's going on.

Toby's POV

The second Spencer throws her leg around my waist and we start drfiting off to sleep, there's a knock at the door. She sighs and grabs her lingerie and robe off the floor. She ties her robe shut and I put a pair of sweat pants on. Who would be here at 11 pm? There were a few more knocks followed by a, "Rosewood PD, open up!" Spencer and I looked at each other confused. I opened the door with Spencer next to me. "Can we help you?" Spencer asks. "Yes, we got a call that their was screaming coming from your  bedroom." The officer said. "Who sent this message in?" I asked. "A boy named Noah said his mom was screaming in her bedroom." It took Spencer and I a second to process what was happening. We both started laughing.

The officer and his partner looked at us confused. "You see, we were kinda just in the process of making Noah become a big brother" Spencer blushes. The officers realize what she means and they start laughing as well.  "Apparently Noah woke up to it though, so be careful." The officer says. "Will do" I laugh and they leave the house. "Wow" Spencer laughs.

We go into Noah's room. "Hey baby, everything is fine, mommy and daddy were just playing a game. Daddy was winning so I screamed, but a little too loudly." Spencer says kneeling in front of his bed. "Ok!" He smiles and I hug him goodnight. Spencer does as well and we walk out the room.

"Well." I look at Spencer. "What?" She giggles. "You know I love you right?" I pick her up bridal style and bring her back to bed. "Well yeah, we've been through so much, we're married, and have a kid. So, sorry Mr. Cavanaugh, but your stuck with me." Spencer chuckles. "Fine by me Mrs. Cavanaugh." I smile at her.

this sucks and is all over the place. But this one shot is dedicated to sp0by_au7
xoxo- k

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