Chapter 8

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I was sleeping peacefully until my hundred pound dog came and jumped on top of me.

"Hey Sam." I mumbled, rolling over to face him. Molly lightly jumped onto the bed, laying down with her head on my leg. Charlie came moments later, snuggling into my chest. "You guys wanna swim today?" I asked. They went crazy. Sam and Molly started howling and Charlie screamed, leaping all over the room.

"What's going on?!" Lulu yawned, walking into my room.

"We're going to the lake today!" I said happily. She nodded her head.

"Got a bathing suit I could borrow?" She asked.

"Yep, purple or green?" I asked holding up the two bikinis.

"Purple!" She smiled, grabbing the suit. "Are you going to wear a bikini?" She asked, raising an eye brow. I nodded slowly.

"But I'm not going to let them see. I swear." I said seriously. She gave me a small smile and left along with Charlie who was on Molly's back. I leaned down and stroked Sam's head.

"You're a good boy. You know that?" I asked him, receiving a face full of his tongue. "Alright thanks!" I laughed. Getting up, I walked towards the bathroom to change.



"They're here!" Lulu yelled from the kitchen.

"I'll get it!" I yelled back. I hopped down the stairs in my purple cover up with my pink suit underneath. "Hola mi amigos!" I greated opening the door to see the five boys.

"You speak spanish?" Harry asked looking interested.

"No. Not at all." I shook my head in all serious. They laughed as I welcomed them in. Charlie instantly went into Louis' arms, the other boys being jumped on by Sam and Molly. "Molly, where's Lulu?" I asked my border collie. She ran into the kitchen, me and the boys following her. I walked in and Lulu was sitting on the edge of the counter, eating an apple.

"Hi!" She said to the boys. The boys all waved, but Niall went and kissed her cheek.

"Ready to go?" I asked them. They all smiled and nodded. I led them out back and into the barn.

"I thought we were going to the lake?" Niall asked confused.

"Ya, but I don't feel like walking there." I said, walking to a cabinet and pulling out some keys.

"I swear if you crash into the tree again!" Lulu hissed at me.

"It wasn't my fault! It was windy!" I whined. She rolled her eyes and followed me to my golf cart. It was more like a limo golf cart.

"Wait, you crashed this before?" Liam asked.

"Once. But it was windy and I couldn't see! Now get in!" I said, turning on the egnition. Louis sat next to me in the passengers seat. It was more of an American cart, it had the steering wheel on the left. Niall and Lulu sat behind us, facing Liam and Harry. Zayn sat behind them next to Charlie. And in the very back was Sam and Molly. I pulled out of the barn and followed the path.

"So, how has your day been so far?" Louis asked, starting a conversation.

"Sam pounced on me. Not very well." I laughed.

"Sounds fun to me" He chuckled. "We still on for tomorrow night?" He asked, hope shown in his eyes.

"If you still want to!" I smiled.

"Oh I do." He smiled back. I couldn't help but smile even more. He's so different from other guys I've met. I can't loose him.

"We are here!" I said happily, turning off the engine. It was the end of September, so it was pretty warm out. We all walked down and set our stuff down on the grass. I took off my cover up leaving me in a pink sparkly bathing suit. I crossed my arms in front of my stomach, making sure no one could see it. I bent down and let Charlie hop on.

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