Chapter 36

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Five in the morning. And someone decides to KNOCK ON MY DOOR.

I sigh and walk towards my door, my eyes barely opening. I opened it and heard sobbing. My eyes shot fully open when I saw Lulu pacing in front of my door, crying and shaking.

"Lulu, what's wrong?" I asked, pulling her into my room. She couldn't answer she was crying so hard.

"B? What's going on?" Louis asked, coming down from my bed.

"I don't know, she won't tell me." I said, not taking my eyes off of my upset friend.

It was about ten minutes until she settled down and started talking.

"We were talking and then he, he-" She couldn't finish, she burst into tears again.

"Who's 'he'?" Louis asked.

"N-Niall." She stuttered, tears leaking down her eyes. Louis stormed out of the room, to Niall most likely.

"Can you tell me please? I don't like seeing you like this." I whispered, sitting next to her with my arm over her shoulder, like a caring friend.

"He was saying that when we got back to London, they'll be going on a tour. And he doesn't want to try long distance. And he said, we, we should take a break." She sobbed into my shoulder.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"Back in our room. I told him I agreed and that I was going down to the beach." She hiccup'd.

"But you're not okay with this, are you?" I asked quietly. She sniffed then shook her head. "Why didn't you talk about it with him?"

"I was scared he just didn't like me anymore, and that was the nicest way he could say he wanted to break up with me." She whispered. "I love him B."


"Niall Horan!" I said, walking into his and Lulu's guest room. He was sat on the end of his bed, head in his hands and crying his eyes out. "Niall?" I said a little less strictly. He didn't answer, so I went and sat by him. "What happened?"

"I broke up with Lulu." He whispered right away.

"Why?" I sighed.

"Are you blind?" He snapped, standing up to look down at me. "She clearly doesn't like me." He cried.

"What rubbish are you on about Niall?" I laughed.

"She doesn't like me! She likes Harry!" He shouted, pointing to the wall where Harry and Liam's room was. "He was flirting with her and she was returning it! Might as well end it so Harry can get the girl, like he always does!" He shouted again, tears streaming from both eyes. I laughed at how silly he sounded. "What are you laughing at!" He sneered at me.

"Tell me, where is she right now?" I asked, controlling my laughter.

"She said she was going down to the beach. Probably to meet Harry." He sighed, looking to the ground.

"How did you say it? And how did she respond?" I asked, getting curious about the whole situation. Little did he know, Lulu was crying her eyes out in the room next door.

"I said we were going on tour. Which is true! And that I didn't want to try long distance. Which is a lie. And she said it was fine. Then went to the beach." He muttered under his breath.

"Let me show you something." I said, getting up and leading him to B's room. I creaked the door open lightly and made him look in and listen.

"Where is he now?" B asked, rubbing Lulu's back to calm her.

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