Part 2

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As high school wore on, I continued to get perfect grades. I did some volunteer work, which got me away from my house and bulked up my resume. Once it came time to start applying for colleges, I thought I had a good shot at getting a scholarship. When I sent in my applications, I was so nervous I was shaking. But I was also excited. Soon, I'd be able to escape.

I was so excited, I made the mistake of telling my step-mom what schools I'd applied for. She was angry I'd picked schools so far away. Didn't I realize I had a responsibility to my family, and should stay close to home so I could continue to help around the house on weekends?? She said if any of those schools accepted me, I had to turn them down. I told her I was almost eighteen and would go to college where I wanted. She called me ungrateful, and said it was a good thing my mom hadn't lived to see how spoiled her child was.

I was horrified. I ran out of house and went to Alaia's to calm down. Alaia had some friends over that night, and it actually made me feel better to socialize a little. I met a guy named Dave who was really nice. We talked all evening and had a ton in commons. He had also applied to all the ivy league schools, and Brown was his first choice, just like me. He offered to walk me home, but I got nervous. I couldn't let myself like this guy! A messed up person like me couldn't have a relationship.

I made some excuse and went to say goodbye to Alaia. She asked about Dave, but I said it wouldn't have worked out. She told me my step-mom had already ruined  so much of my childhood. I shouldn't let her ruin this too. I realized she was right. I found Dave again and told him he could walk me home. We even kissed outside my house!!!
. To be continued🖤

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