chapter 2

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(Percy's POV)

"What just happened?" I asked out loud earning multiple glares from my classmates.

Yes, my classmates,

I was back at Yancy Academy. I looked down on myself and saw I was aged back as well. Great Chaos somehow sent me back in time. And she chose the best moment as well. In front of the class stood Mrs. Dodds, No not Mrs. Dodds, Alecto was her real name. One of the furies Hades had sent after me.

I took a good look around and saw my classmates whom I haven't seen in years. After discovering I was a demigod I kinda forget about all of them. Guess I had a class reunion. You know like the ones on TV where classmates see each other after 30 years or so. And they relive memories of the past. It reminded me of my situation. Except my classmates saw me yesterday. So this was one-sided reunion. It actually felt really good for a moment.

I said for a moment.

"Mr. Jackson!" Mrs Dodds called out and I lost my train of thought. "Yes Ma'am!" I called out while my classmates laughed. Great I was still the clown of the class. Mrs Dodds, however, gave me a disgusted not a disgusted look but one of pure hatred. I wonder how I never picked up the signals something that was odd. I mean on my left side sat Grover who was officiously not 12 and I felt embarrassed I was actually that stupid to fall for it.

"Can you answer my question?" She asked and pointed at the board. On it was a mathematical formula written, if I remember it correctly it had to do something with Pythagoras but I wasn't sure.

"Sorry I don't know the answer," I admitted and Mrs Dodds went on asking someone else then I heard laughter coming from the back of my head. It was a playful, female laugh. I turned around to see no one was laughing.

'You gotta be kidding me' I heard a voice in my head say.

"Huh" I whispered.

Then the voice spoke again, 'This is the second time you have to answer a question made for twelve year olds and now you're an adult and you still fail at math!'

I recognized the voice, 'Chaos' I asked mentally.

'The one and only' she answered and I could swear she was smirking even though she wasn't even physically here.

'What are you doing here? Are you in my head? What am I doing here? What happened before you teleported me? ' I asked rapidly.

'Wow, easy Percy, just one question at a time please,' She interrupted me.

I thought a moment for the best question, 'Are you in my head Chaos?'

I felt Chaos nod even though it's impossible to tell,

Ugh I'm going mental.

'Yes, I am in your head. I sent you back in time and I came with you, now we are connected and I will always be watching you. I will be watching you when you retrieve the lightning bolt and I will be watching you when you have your first kiss and when you're gonna make babies.'

'WHAT!' I yelled mentally.

'Mother stop embarrassing him,' a new female voice joined the conversation in my head,

'Don't worry Percy I will take her away when you get to the um... more personal stuff'

'Wait who are you? I thought only Chaos was inside me? 'I responded blushing.

'Oh Hi Percy my name is Nyx' the new voice said.

Nyx? Shit now I had two primordials in my head and last time I saw Nyx I probably left a bad impression and now I had her in my head.

The champion Of Hope (A Chaos/Percy FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now