In the Mansion's Maw

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After we were able to muster up enough energy, we checked the basement. There was no way out there either. All the tiny basement windows were sealed off by the walls as well.

The internet and the energy were still working, hell even the phones did for quite some time.

For hours we desperately tried to get help, all of us did. I tried to call the cops over and over again. I got through several times, but the signal was so bad, that they weren't able to make out most of what I was saying.

I soon gave up, at least for the time being. Even if they were able to understand the address, what would they find? By now our building was most likely completely surrounded by walls and had become another part of the giant mansion. They'd think they'd got the wrong address, or write it off as a prank call.

We tried to break open the walls to the outside, but this was useless as well. Right below the plaster the walls had already been replaced by the weird fleshy mass. When we hit it, the same liquid that killed Steve and the old couple started to leak from it. It didn't matter what we used, wood or metal, everything that touched the liquid would start melting as soon as it got into contact with it.

We tried a variety of other things, but nothing we did had much of an effect on the walls and any damage was soon repaired.

In the end we couldn't do much. We relocated to the center of the hallway.

Here we were as far away as possible from all the outer walls and the weird liquid. This way, we hoped to avoid an end like that of the old couple.

While we gathered anything that could be useful we noticed that the walls around us started to change and shift.

At times we'd notice that the hallway was a little shorter than before, then, only hours later, it seemed too long. The layout of the apartments too changed. At first, it was little by little, but then it was more noticeable. It seemed as if the whole place was remodeled due to being incorporated in whatever this mansion was.

It was this remodeling that reminded me, that we weren't alone here.

As I was in a room searching for things we could use, I saw one of the walls in front of me shift. I moved backwards as quickly as my damaged leg allowed, but for a moment something different was revealed to me.

I am not sure what I saw, it was both, a void, but at the same time it was a room glistering and shining in all the colors of the rainbow.

In there I saw a hulking, humanoid figure, much too long and skinny. For a moment the creature looked at me. I could see a deformed, human face that seemed to be twisted to a perpetual, grinning smile.

During the few seconds the wall in front of me revealed the inside of the mansion, a wave of euphoria washed over me and I couldn't help but giggle and smile.

It was over as soon as the wall closed again. I shivered as the bout of insanity left.

I sat there shivering, thinking about what had happened and what it had done to my mind. As I was about to get back up I heard noises behind the wall, soon followed by giggling. It went on and soon transformed into laughter. I inched back as the sounds of whatever this creature was doing continued. After a while the laughter died down, but the giggling went on.

At times I could still hear it, resounding from different parts and areas of the building or the walls around us. I imagined the creature hiding between the walls or inside the crawl spaces, exploring these ever changing walls.

The sheer thought of it gave me the creeps. I never told anyone what I had seen that day.

While we sat huddled together in the hallway, the hours went on and soon turned to days. I don't know if I ever slept during that time.

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