May 2019- Aliens

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Memories are precious things. But if you dwell on them too long, you'll get stuck in the past.

This was one of those times.

"Alex!" My sister, Evelyn, called to me from across the campfire. "Come get marshmallows!"

I got up from my lawn chair, walking around several of our friends over to where Evelyn was sticking a marshmallow onto a roasting stick, and gave her a light shove.

"Alex, you're a 28 year old man, not a child", Evelyn laughed. Shrugging, I grabbed the stick from her and sat back down in my lawn chair, sticking the marshmallow down into the bottom of the fire pit.

Suddenly, a glowing light shot through the trees, a line leading from outer space down to the ground a few meters into the trees beside our campfire.

"What the hell was that?" One of my buddies asked.

"I don't know", I asked. "Maybe someone pulling a prank?"

We all dismissed the weird light beam, but it still disturbed us. Roasting marshmallows, we tried to ignore it.

Then came the thud.

Evelyn, looked at me, scared. "That sounded bad."

I looked back at her, and then at our friends. They all looked nervous.

"I'll go check it out."

"Alex, what if it's dangerous?" Evelyn said.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

And with that I slowly crept into the trees, being extra careful not to make a sound. My heart was pounding, but I kept moving forward. I had to, or else my friends might be in danger.

I got to where the beam of light hit the ground, and my heart sped even faster. There was a body laying in the center of the beam.

A very, very small body.

I scanned the area, and nothing else seemed dangerous, so I called my sister.

"Evelyn, I think you should come over here!"

There was a crash, some cursing, and then Evelyn appeared, brushing leaves off her shirt.

"I fell in a bush", she muttered. Then she noticed what I was staring it.

"Oh my god, is that..."

"It's a body, yes, and from the looks of it, the body of a small infant."

Evelyn made a choked noise, and quickly stumbled over to the beam of light.

"Ev, what are you-"

But before I could even finish my sentence, my sister picked up the child and quickly came back to me.

"We've got to get this child to a hospital or something! Maybe I could take it-" Evelyn was frantic.

I stared at the child as my sister continued to ramble. It's light blue skin contrasted with its short lilac hair, and it's golden eyes wide open.

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