May 2019- Trials of Love

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"Hey, wait up!" A young fairy girl laughed, her light blue and silver wings glittering in the sunlight. Silvery hair flew behind her as she sped up, flying through the air.

Another girl was flying ahead of the fairy, however she was not a common fairy, but a dragon fairy. The black and yellow scales on her wings flashed as she zoomed through the sky, and her short black hair blew in the wind. "Beli, you're so slow!"

Beli, the fairy girl, laughed. "I have smaller wings than you, Lona!"

Lona sighed, but slowed her flying anyway.

Eventually, the two girls reached a forest, and they landed in a tree in which they had built a treehouse together.

"Finally", Lona whispered. "We can be alone". She licked her lips jokingly.

Beli giggled. But then her face went dead serious, and there was a flash.

And then she was gone.

Lona blinked, shocked.

Then she felt an arm go around her from the back.

"Yes", she heard Beli whisper. "We're alone".

Shivers rippled down Lona's spine as she turned around and grabbed the fairy girl.

And pressed their lips together.

This was a normal thing for the dragon and the fairy. They were in love, however they're two fairy clans did not get along. It was a common thing for two fairies of the same sex two love each other, since fairies reproduce in different ways.

And as the two kissed in the treehouse, their world was slowly coming undone.

All it took was one sword. One stab. And one scream.

For the fairy kingdom to fall into chaos.

Lona and Beli flew through the air, holding hands so that Lona could help Beli fly faster, as her dragon wings were much stronger than Beli's fairy ones. They raced back to their kingdom where they saw the dragon fairy clan fleeing the scene.

Beli's father, the king, had fallen at the hands of the Dragon Slayers, a group of evil dragon fairies that wanted to rule the fairy kingdom.

"I don't know what's going on", Lona said frantically, "but whatever happens, I love you."

Beli was too much in shock to react. "I- I love you, too, Lona."

And then they were ripped apart by their respective clans, and never saw each other again.


Three years later

It was the third anniversary of that horrible day. The day the fairy king fell. The day the Dragon Slayers took over the dragon fairy clan. The day Lona and Beli saw each other last.

Beli was sitting on her throne, arguing with the Captain of the Royal Guard.

"No, we cannot plan an ambush! We need to lure them away, keep them out of our area with traps and distractions. But I refuse to use violence as an answer!"

The guard refrained from rolling his eyes, and spoke calmly. "Your Highness, why are you so reluctant to fight them? They're taking over the kingdom! Is there... something you wish to tell me about these Dragon Slayers?"

"No!" Beli rolled her eyes, but her heart ached. "I just want all of our kingdom to know that violence is not the best option".

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