Royally Cute/Kawaii Room Decorating! - Royals Lesson!

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Ciao lovelies! Today's lesson falls more on the kawaii side of things, as well as potentially on the LARP side of things (if you consider decorating your space in a royally cute way to be LARPing as a Royal, that is). Today we're talking about Royal Room Decorating, I'll be sharing some of my tips on how to get a super kawaii and fun-to-live-in space, as well as some decluttering tips, sharing some of my fave DIY's, and even spotlighting some YouTube Videos about this topic. So let's jump in! Step One to Royal Room Decorating is starting with a clean space. Making sure that you have a fresh clean slate is very important.Some tips to decluttering your space are:- Know what you do and don't use, and get rid of what you don't. If you're like me and hoard craft supplies, make sure that your supplies are actually useful items that you will put to use soon, or discard them (or give them away to another crafter). - Go through your clothes, anything you don't wear anymore, donate to charity.- Clean out any trash from your space.- Everything should have a designated place, even if that place is a miscellaneous bin.  

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