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Step two is deciding on your generalized décor theme. You don't have to confine yourself to one narrow theme, but picking a general idea can help keep your décor cohesive. I am guilty of having non-cohesive décor, unfortunately, but my general theme is "Kawaii". So, I try to display items in a cute fashion, have cute décor items, and decorate things accordingly. (Though some of my décor is a little out of the theme, but these "different" pieces are not in the majority.)Step three is, naturally, decorating! Finding décor pieces to match your theme might be easy, or might be hard, depending on your tastes and interests. For today, I'm going to be focusing on a generalized "Cute/Elegant/Kawaii" theme. (We also have a So, if one wants to decorate their space in a "kawaii" fashion, finding décor to match might be hard. While yes, if you have the funds you can buy from shops like or buy cute anime figures or other kawaii décor at conventions, but if you want to decorate cutely on a budget, there are many options for you!

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