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Float on the lightest wisps of her breath . Leaving a trail of  blooming notes in the air. The whole world seems to hold its breathe hanging waiting for the next note of her captivating  melody. The warmth of her song blankets the  world in a rosetinted haze leaving everything all the more beautiful.
The light silk hung off her body in soft fluid waves contrasting her dark obsidian skin. Glowing, glittering she stood as the rays  bounced around illuminating her skin. Just like wil-o-wisps her lashes fluttered entrapping all that dared to look. For she was a goddess not just any but.
The goddess of beauty.
My beauty.
The one that held all light in her hand.
The one that could bring happiness  and love in one touch.
The one that would always be there for my eyes to follow.

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