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My mind fogs as the needle is pushed through my skin. Why did this happen to me? The government is conducting secret experiments on me and a couple hundred others. I am patient 106. I don’t have a name. Every time they inject me with this solution, I forget things. All I know is that I shouldn’t be here and I’m serving a lost cause. They’re trying to create the perfect humans...The perfect soldiers. They’ve put the chemical into my body for countless days and I’ve forgotten that it used to hurt as it spread through my veins. They're injecting me with something that gives me the ability to reconstruct my body. They test these experiments by smashing my bones, and destroying my internal organs. It hurts a lot. They’ve experimented on 59 other humans that have failed. They would crush their entire bodies, and they couldn’t heal. They died. I was the first successful experiment. They continue to inject me, hoping that they can make my healing faster. I am experiment 106.

They're trying a new experiment on me today. 1 hour 32 minutes after my last injection of the enhancer, and they'll inject me with an acid that'll burn away my lungs, my muscles, my heart and every other organ that I have. They want to see if I can reconstruct after that. Wht's wrong with these people!? I lie on the hard bed the cells provide us with and hope I can sleep before they come to try and kill me.

A knock sounds at my door. That must be them. I lie in bed, knowing they will come in. A tall man with short, black hair and glasses walks in through the metal door. He holds a clipboard against his labcoat. His blank face is what scares me the most, though. He shows no emotion; he doesn't feel pity for what he does, but I don't think he finds pleasure in it either. I sit up and look at the man, my brown hair falling over my eyes. 

"106, please come with me," he orders. Knowing I don't have a choice, I get up to follow the man. He leads me to the lab with my number hanging above the door. He opens the big, metal door, and beckons me inside. The other scientists crowd around me, bringing me to the metal bed and strapping me down. Once the buckles are securely fastened, they inject the needle into my flesh. 

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