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My body tenses as immense pain shoots through me. The acid is rushing through my blood and eating me away from the inside out. I let out a scream, only to be silenced by the "doctors." The burning sensation dies down as I feel my body fixing itself. It only took a few minutes for my body to start the healing process, but it felt like hours. A clear substance, with a blue tint starts to ooze out of the hole where the syringe had broken through my flesh. The hole closing up only a moment after.

The scientists around me start to clap. My experiment as a success. They unstrap me, and I'm brought to my room by the same man who had brought me to the lab. It was a quiet walk, as my head was still spinning from the pain. We finally make it to my room. I sit on my bed and he sits next to me, most likely to tell me something. 

"106..." he began. I looked at him expectantly through my brown bangs. "We will be introducing you to one of your partners today, since the experiment was a success. Your partner's number is 102." I looked at him for a moment, trying to process what he had said. I nod, letting him know I understand. I didn't know I would be assigned partners. He gets up and leaves the room, allowing me sleep.

I wake up to a knock at the door. I sit, up knowing who it was. The door unlocks and opens, revealing the same doctor as before and a girl. I examine them for a moment, then let my eyes rest on the girl. She had blond hair that was tangled and dirty, and pale skin. She looked around 15. She was wearing the same dirty off-white clothing as me, only smaller. She also had on thick hand-cuffs that locked her entire hands and wrists, a blindfold, and foot-cuffs. The man unlocked her hands and feet and pushed her into the room. 

I catch her as she's about to hit the ground and the man walks out. I set her down and and start untying her blindfold. 

"Why do you have this on?" I ask. She stays silent for a moment. I stop what I'm doing for  moment and look at her. I then proceed my untying as she replies. 

"You see, my power doesn't work without my eyes..." She trails off. 

"Oh...Well, I'm 106. Who are you milady?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood  little.

"102..." She whispers. She obviously doesn't like talking, so I let her be silent. I untie the last knot and let the cloth fall to the ground. She turns to face me, and a take in her stunning red eyes.

"Thank you..." She says softly.

"No problem!" I say a little shocked she had said something, without me initiating it. "Do...You think you can show me your power...?" I ask her somewhat shyly. I'm not sure she's comfortable with it, so I don't want to push it. She just smiles softly and nods. Her eyes start to change color, going from red to orange. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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