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When Jamal got to school he was given the cold shoulder by Ruby. Every time he would try to converse with the group Ruby would just cut him off by talking over him. "Alright Ruby don't you think you're being a little extra with this thing?" Monse asked him. Ruby looked at her with a gasp and put his hand over his chest. "What? What do you mean Monse?" he said sarcastically.

Monse slapped the back of his head and said "Dont even play dumb with me Ruby. Now stop being a big baby and talk your problems out with Jamal like a big boy would." Cesar and Jasmine snickered at her comment. "Okay, okay, fine i'll talk to him. Also you didn't have to hit me that hard. Come on Jamal." he says as they both turn away from the group.

They walk into a vacant classroom and Ruby sits in a seat while Jamal sits on the desk in front of him. "Look Ruby, I'm sorry that I couldn't be there to help you find your phone. I just really wasn't feeling well and I had to get some rest." Jamal says looking down at his palms. He hated lying to Ruby but he had to. He couldn't reveal his relationship that he has with Spooky or at least not yet.

"I'm mad that you broke your promise. How many times do I constantly say that you should never make promises you cannot keep." Ruby says angrily.

"I know you're completely right. I should've-" Jamal gets cut off when Ruby says "You've fulfilled your promises to me even in the most difficult situations before. So why the fuck is this time so different?" he raises eyebrows as he waits for Jamal's response.

This took Jamal completely off guard. His hands started to get clammy and his heart was racing so hard to the point where he thought Ruby could hear it. "Okay, okay, the truth is that somebody else had asked me to go somewhere with them and an emergency happened where I wouldn't be able to come back in time to help you." Jamal said solemnly. Well he was telling the truth here but just not all of it. He stared at his shoelaces as he waited for Ruby's response.

"Who was it? Are they more important than me? Jamal i'm your best friend. I'd do anything for you especially if I promised you that I would do something. So why can't you keep that same energy with me?" Ruby says as he gets more frustrated.

"No, no, no, that's not true at all it's just that I-" Jamal gets cut off again for the second time as Ruby says, "You know what? Just forget it. I already know you're not going to tell me the truth so why bother sit here and listen to you lie to me?" Ruby gets up to leave but Jamal runs a head of him and stops him before he can leave the classroom. "W-wait Ruby it's not like that!" Jamal says pleadingly

"Okay if it's not like that then look me in my eyes and tell me what the fuck really happened then!" Ruby raises his voice at him. Jamal's thoughts run rampant as he can't come up with anything to say to Ruby.

"Of course you have nothing to say. You're a liar and a terrible person who can't keep their promises. I don't think I can be friends with you right now. I'm done with you Jamal." Ruby says while shaking his head and looking down.

"But Ruby!"

"But Ruby nothing!" Ruby looks up to see the shock in Jamal's face and huffs. "Look i'm sorry I yelled. I'm just fed up. Now please move from the doorway so I can get to class before i'm late." Jamal moves out of Ruby's way without saying a word because he knew if he said something he would break down in front of him. Ruby walks out the door but looks back as if he wants to say something but looks forward again and keeps walking.

Jamal sits back down on the desk and stays there for a while. He's scared that if he gets up to leave he'll collapse. This is the biggest argument the two have ever had in years. Jamal's mind is barely piecing together the things that just happened. He decides to call Spooky.

Jamal- "Hey me and Ruby just got into this really big fight and I feel so fucking bad like I can't comprehend what just happened I just c-can't I t-think I-I'm gonna-"

Jamal's breathing gets harsher as he begins to experience a panic attack.

Spooky- "Woah, Woah, woah slow down papi. Focus on my voice okay. Take it easy. Take in deep breaths. Breath in breath out. Breath in breath out. Breath in breath out."

Jamal does has he's told and slowly begins to calm down as his breathing begins to smooth out.

S- "Alright, I'm gonna come get you okay? You can't be around a lot of people right now. You need rest. If you can make it to the steps outside of school then meet me there okay novio?"

J- "Uh huh. Okay. Stairs. I can make it there."

S- "Okay i'll be there in ten mi amor."

J- "Yeah. Hurry."

Jamal slowly and cautiously makes his way to the steps of the school. He sits there for a little while then he sees Spooky pull up in front of him. He doesn't say anything as he walks over to the passenger side of the car and plops down in the seat.

Spooky decides to take Jamal to his house as he didn't know if Jamal's parents would be home or not. They didn't speak to each other though Spooky tried at first. After he realized that Jamal wasn't gonna answer he just intertwined their hands together and let him be. The ride there was quick due to Spooky weaving in and out of traffic trying to get them there as quick as possible.

Once they arrive, they walk into the house and Jamal goes straight into Spooky's room. Even though he hasn't been there for a while he still remembers how everything is set up and where everything is. He lays down on Spooky's bed and just stares at the ceiling until Spooky walks in.

"Here drink this." Spooky says as he stretches his arm out with a glass of water in hand. Jamal sits up looks at him and shakes his head no.

"I wasn't asking you. Now drink." he says as he gestures towards the glass of water again. Jamal takes it reluctantly then chugs the whole thing within seconds.

"See I knew you were thirsty. Panic attacks tire you out papi." Spooky said as he sat down and engulfed Jamal into a big hug. Jamal snuggles his face into the crook of his neck and starts to cry.

After a while Jamal finally speaks out loud. "T-this has never h-happened b-before." he says through sobs. "Shh, it's okay baby. It's okay. Things like this happen between friends. He'll come around I promise." Spooky says as he rubs circles into his back.

"B-but if he d-doesn't? He's my best friend I c-can't lose him." Jamal says as he sniffles into Spooky's shoulder. "Hey look at me." Jamal leans back and looks behind Spooky avoiding eye contact. Spooky lifts his chin up so he can look at him. He then takes the pad of his thumb and wipes the tears off of his face then kisses his forehead.

"I'm telling you that you guys will make up and be friends again. You just have to give him time to calm down and heal so then you can try to apologize again." Spooky says as he caresses Jamal's slightly red cheeks.

Jamal nods his head and says, "Yeah, I guess so. Also sorry I got tear stains on your shirt." Spooky chuckles and says "That's okay mi corazón i'm sure it'll come out."

Jamal yawns and lays back onto the bed with Spooky following quickly behind him. Spooky cuddles up behind Jamal and wraps his arms around his waist. He kisses the back of his neck before saying "Get some rest novio." Jamal hums in response as the two drift off to sleep together.

Um hi lol. I know y'all are upset with me for not updating in so long. I'm sorry I just had a lot of personal issues that took longer than expected to be resolved. I'll try and update as soon as I can. Comments and criticism is always appreciated. 💕

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