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Chapter One:

Innocence, that's what I was made of. Abnormally pure, and the last of my kind. I was put on this earth to heal it. Heal it of its stain. My kind makes the earth clean. We nourish the planet and give it strength. Unfortunately we've been wiped out. I haven't found one of my kind in a very long time. The only other fairy I know of is my sister, Anita. We've been protecting a small forest for the past fifty years trying to preserve earth's natural beauty. I'm one hundred and fifty years old, but I look eighteen. Anita is only a few years older than me, one hundred and seventy. Our kind has been on this earth for a hundred years. We were wiped out once man began destroying our natural habitats. They ripped the ground from underneath us and tore it to shreds. They destroyed our trees in which our homes resided. They killed us, and yet because of my nature, it's hard for me to even resent them for it.

My job on this earth is to heal what has been damaged, whether that be physically, or mentally. Anita restored balance. If one thing were to die, she would help another thing live. It was a cycle, not too many and not too less. Together we hoped to bring back some of the peace the earth had. The world around us never knew of our existence, but we knew of theirs. There are many creatures that walk this earth that humans would never be aware of, unless we made our presence known to them.

I, being a fairy, had a lot of responsibility. Especially because I'm one of the last of my race. I worked a lot on gardens and plants. Healing their sicknesses and diseases. I especially loved the flowers. Spring had to be my favorite season, for thats when all the tulips pop up. My favorite tulip had to be the yellow ones. After all, yellow is my favorite color.

"Celeste!" Yelled anita. "Come inside, it's getting dark!" Anita always was so concerned about where I was and what I was doing. I understood why, but it bothered me that she had the authority to tell me what to do. "Coming!" I shouted back. I loved the night sky, earth always had its way of proving it was one of the most beautiful places to live. Out of all of the planets I've visited, earth had to be my favorite. The stars in the sky shined bright, reminding me of fireflies. I loved the way things had their way of glowing. Anita and I glew too, but only in a sense of auras. We both had auras of white, which means pure.

I walked to our small cottage that resided hidden in the woods. Beautiful gardens surrounded the house and tall trees blockaded the view from the outside world. Sprinting, I flung my body into the air and transformed into my human form. My bare feet hit the ground as I ran towards the entrance. Delicious scent of food drifted in and out of my nose. "Goodness, that smells good." I opened the front door and walked inside. "Finally!" Anita called out from the kitchen. "What took you so long? I had to reheat dinner twice! You could've been at home on time for once Celeste!" She ridiculed me. I groaned and walked into the kitchen to find her standing there disapprovingly. "Next time, please be on time."

I sat down at the rounded wooden table and waited for her to grab the food. "Y'know you could get up and get it yourself right?" She scoffed. "But that would require me to get up." I teased back. "What did you make anyway?" I got up from the table and began inspecting the counter tops. " I made homemade spaghetti." She smiled. "Your favorite." She opened the fridge and pulled out a delicious looking plate of spaghetti. All the tomatoes were fresh from our garden. She handed it to me and I stuck it in the microwave waiting for it to heat up. "Thank you sis, it looks amazing." She gave a smile and I sat down to eat my food.

After I finished my food, I walked over to my bedroom saying my goodnights to Anita. "I love you Celeste." She said while wrapping me into a hug."I love you too. Go to sleep soon okay?" I pulled out from the hug and turned around not waiting for her reply. I opened my door and stepped into the dimly lit room. I flipped the light switch on and went to my dresser picking out a pair of lace pajamas. I slipped them on and walked into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I pulled my long blonde hair into a braid. I looked into my pale blue eyes in the mirror and sighed. "If there's any higher being out there, will you please give me something else to do tomorrow. Please don't let me keep going on doing the same things. I know that's what I'm supposed to do here, I just don't know how much longer I can stand it." I pleaded. All I ask is for a change. Something new to do. I can't continue this dull life.

I jumped into my bed excited to get into my cozy blankets. I snuggled deep under the covers excited for dreamland to take me away. Snapping my fingers, the lights turned off and slowly but surely I drifted into a cozy sleep.

*Thud* I stirred in my sleep slowly awakening. *Thud* Opening my eyes, I groaned. What on earth is that noise? *Thud* I got out of bed and opened my door to see what was going on. Anita stood closely to the front door looking outside through the peephole. "Anita, what is it?" I asked. "I don't know." She replied. Anxiety creeped over my body. "Should we transform and hide?" Anita looked just as nervous as I did. "I don't think so, That could just put us in more danger." I agree, but what else are we supposed to do?   

"I'm going to go check." My eyes widened and I became fearful. "Anita! You can't do that! Its crazy!" I panicked. "Just stay inside. I'll be fine." Anita said opening the front door "It's probably just an animal. Wait inside." and stepped outside. "Anita no!" I gasped and stepped forward. I anxiously waited for ten minutes until a loud growling from outside made me perk up. I bit my lip and made another step forward. "Anita? Anita!"

Walking hesitantly to the door, my breath became ragged and unsteady. I pushed the tall door aside and peeked my head out to see what could possibly be going on. No one was there, how could that be possible? My bare toes touched the ground as I slowly made my way out to the porch, "Anita, this isn't funny!" is she just trying to scare me?

"Celeste!" She screamed in horror. I ran, I ran as fast as I could trying to find in which direction her screaming came from. "Anita! Where are you?" I took a sharp left hearing loud growls. What if a wolf got her? "Anita, are you okay?" What if she had transformed, it would be impossible to find her. "Celeste, I'm over here!" Within seconds I stumbled upon a clearing in the woods. The stench of dog waved through my nostrils. "Anita.. What is that?" I asked while staring at the large wolf. "Wolves aren't that big.. So what is that?"

"It's a werewolf Celeste."

A werewolf? How could that be? Its territory is so far from ours. They reside in Washington, Oregon area, so what in goodness sake is it doing in Nevada? There was a trail of blood as far as the eye could see. I wasn't sure if it was its own blood, or something else's. "It's wounded badly." Anita pet him carefully trying to soothe some of its pain. It whimpered in defeat, as if it were ready to give up. "What do we do with it?" I asked. Anita stood up while dusting off her pajamas, "We help it." she said.

She's got to be crazy. Once it's back to health it would tear us to shreds! "Anita, you must be insane. I know it's hurt, but won't it attack us?" She looked down at the wolf and sighed. "Celeste, we can't leave it like this. You know better than I do that abandoning it, is not in our nature." She argued. She was right, it was in pain and suffering while I argued back and forth. "Okay." She waved me over to help her. I bent down next to the werewolf and touched his soft fur. A spark of energy coursed through my fingers once my skin made contact with its fur. "Help me lift him."

Anita and I carried the heavy beast through the forest, trying to make our way back home without falling over from the weight. The cottage was in sights and I sighed with relief. We were so close to being home I could feel the stress falling away. Trying to carry him up the stairs my grip slipped and I dropped the werewolf. A loud snarl filled the air and the wolf snapped its teeth in my direction. I screamed and pulled away, I looked at Anita with worry. "Did I hurt it?" I cried. "It's fine, Celeste. Lift it back up again though, We need to get it inside." Stepping back over to it, I picked him back up and trudged up the small steps.

We laid him on the couch and we sat on the floor staring at the beast. "So what do we do with it now?" I asked.  "We heal him. Celeste, that's your job." I huffed and stood up. Examining his wounds, I tried to find the one that caused most pain. A large gash resided on the nook of his neck. I placed my hand over it and the wolf let out a low whimper. "I'm sorry, love it'll only take a few seconds." A low glow ignited from my hands healing his wound. It thrashed, kicked, and tried biting me. "Anita, hold it down!" I shouted trying to keep it still. She grabbed at his paws and gasped, "Silver.." She whispered. "What do you mean silver?" I leaned over to see what she was looking at. "His claws, they are silver." How could that be? Isn't silver a werewolf's weakness? We tried our hardest to keep it still as I healed its wounds.

I finished the last gash, and sat back with relief. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and looked at the werewolf, when it snapped its eyes open staring into my eyes. "Oh goodness."

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