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Chapter Two:

Its eyes stared into my soul, begging for answers as to where it was and why it was here. Slowly, its fur began to dissolve into its skin. Legs began to grow and its sharp silver claws folded back into its body. The beast turned into a handsome man. He stared at Anita and I, while hiding his naked body. "Oh my!" Anita said quickly, while shielding my eyes. "I'm sorry sir, but do you not have any clothes?" Anita blushed. "Uh, no." He replied. "Anita, we could give him some of dad's old clothes. They'd fit, right?" Anita stood up and left the room to find him some clothing. I kept my eyes closed, afraid to see anything.

"Here." Anita handed him clothing and sat back down, continuing to shield my eyes until he was fully dressed. "Where am I?" He asked. I removed Anita's hand and looked over at him. He had medium length black hair, and warm chocolate eyes. He was muscular, but built  more lean. For some reason my eyes were captivated by him and I never wanted to look away. A cough cleared my thoughts and I looked over to Anita. "We found you in the woods. You're in Nevada. Your far from your territory, what are you doing here?" He blinked a few times in confusion. "Nevada?" He got up and walked to the door. "Wait!" Anita called out. "You can't just leave! You were wounded bad, even though your wounds appear to be healed, it'll still be a couple of days before you regain strength!"

He stopped and sighed in defeat. "Okay." He muttered. He sat back down and turned towards us. "I can tell you guys aren't exactly human, so what are you?" I opened my mouth to speak but Anita instantly shut me up. "We are human." She confirmed. I was confused as to why she would lie, it's not something we are allowed to do. I looked at her with worry. The last fairy that began lying turned into something us fairies all feared. I hope she's not going down that path. It terrifies me.

"If you're human, then how did you know what I was?" He asked. "You shifted right in front of us." She replied. I guess that was a solid point, but I still didn't understand why we were hiding our identity. "Can I talk to you Anita." I whispered. She stood up and I followed her into the hallway. Making sure he couldn't hear us, in hushed tones we spoke. "Why did you lie? You know that's one of the biggest sins we can commit!" She looked me in the eyes and sighed. "Sometimes you have to lie to protect yourself and the ones you love. We don't know who he is. For all we know he could be a threat." She was right, but I didn't think the lying was necessary. He's a werewolf, he's a supernatural. Shouldn't that mean he's not a threat to us? Or maybe I'm just naive to think such a thought.

We walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to him. My skin brushed against his igniting a flame inside my body. His eyes snapped towards me and a low growl emitted from his chest. Startled, I scooted away from him. Did I scare him?  Why would he growl at me? "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked in disbelief, as if that spark meant something. "I'm fine." Anita stood from the couch breaking the silence, "I'm going to make some tea. Does anyone want a cup?" I nodded my head eagerly and the silent werewolf quietly declined. "Make me some green tea?" I asked. Anita nodded and left the room. "So, I never asked your name werewolf. What's your name?" He turned facing me a bit more and smiled slightly. "My names Arius." What a lovely name. I would of never guessed he would have such a unique name. I thought more along the lines of Jacob, or Colby. Something generic, I suppose.

"I'm Celeste, it's a pleasure to meet you. Even though it was in such unfortunate circumstances." I laughed nervously. Something about this boy had my head spinning and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. "That's a beautiful name." He mused. I blushed and turned away from him. "Thank you. I have a question, if that's okay?" He nodded and moved closer to me. "What exactly happened to you? Why are you so far from home?" Before he could reply, Anita walked back into the room. She handed me my tea and examined our positions. "What are you guys doing?" She asked. "Just talking sis, there's nothing to stress about." I reassured her.

We all sat on the couch nervously, waiting for someone to break the silence. "So, your names Anita?" He asked directing his question to her. "Yes, it is." She gave a fake smile and looked away. "Arius, you still haven't answered my question." He looked over to me and sighed. " You wouldn't understand." He mumbled under his breath. "I think we have the right to know. After all we did take you in." Anita said sternly. He gave a loud chuckle and shook his head. "What exactly are you?"

I inhaled deeply, my mind screaming at me that we needed to tell the truth. I glanced at Anita waiting for her reply. She stifled a cough, "I already told you." Her answer only seemed to bother Arius. "You don't smell human. How about I tell you my secrets if you tell me yours." My anxiety was increasing. My brain was trying to force the words out of me. I opened my mouth to speak when he answered his own question. "You're fairies, aren't you? I can smell it on you." I wanted to laugh. If he knew, then why did he keep pestering us to find out what we were.

"Now tell me your secret." Anita said. He scoffed. "You didn't tell me, I guessed. Therefore I don't have to tell you anything." What was this guys deal? He had that kind of 'I don't care' attitude, and I was pretty sure I wasn't a fan of it. "We are giving you hospitality!" Anita said raising her voice in the slightest. She was beginning to get angry and it made me afraid for her. Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all to bring him here. He only seemed to get on Anita's nerves. "Anita, it's okay. He isn't obligated to do anything he doesn't want to." I spoke up.

"Thank you for your 'hospitality', but it's best if I get going. I have urgent business to attend to." He stood up and began walking towards the door. "Wait!" I said standing up and rushing to beat him to the door. "You can't leave yet. At least stay for the night." I wasn't sure why I wanted him to stay so badly, but something deep inside of me didn't want to let him go yet. My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, I wanted him to stay and never leave. I wanted to get to know him and be there for him, but why? Why was I feeling such attachment towards him when i've barely met him.  A look of relief seeped through his eyes. Maybe he felt the same way about me. Maybe he wanted me as badly as I wanted him.

"One night, then I'm leaving." He said. I nodded my head in agreement. One night with him still here is better than without. He still needed to finish healing. If he left now, I'd be afraid he'd end up hurting himself. My heart wanted him to stay so badly, and I couldn't place why. He was just an arrogant boy. I needed to get him out of my thoughts. Trying to clear my head, I turned towards Anita. "Do we have a room for him to sleep in?" I asked her. She sighed and shook her head no. I looked back to him and said, "You can sleep in my room. I'll sleep in here. It should be nice and cozy in there for you." I smiled. "Can you show me where the room is?" Anita stood up and motioned him forward. "I'll show you."

They walked to my room and I sighed. I trudged over to the kitchen, and opened the fridge pulling out a glass bottle of water. I took a few sips and set it back in. walking back over to the living room I sat down on the worn couch. It must've been late, we've been up for hours dealing with this odd situation. I looked up checking the clock, Three a.m. it read. Just reading the time made tiredness wash over my body. I hadn't realized how exhausting this night was until now. I gladly lied onto the couch, closing my eyes hoping to get some rest. Within seconds, I fell into a much needed sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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