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@H_hamadaRemember the Boogie-man? @Penny_B @VioletParr @Will_Robinson

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Remember the Boogie-man? @Penny_B @VioletParr @Will_Robinson

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@Penny_B - Duh! He was a total creep!
@VioletParr - @Penny_B Can't agree more
@Will_Robinson - He almost killed us!
@T_hamada - Boogie-man???
@H_hamada - Meh, you don't know him
@Penny_B - @T_hamada He's the guy who chased us and tried to killed us for no reason!
@VioletParr - Do you guys still feel like he's around you guys? Sometimes I get afraid because of it
@Penny_B - Truthfully, yeah
@H_hamada - Sometimes when I see something related to him
@Rap_punzie - Well that's just weird...
@Penny_B - What is?
@Rap_punzie - Him, trying to kill you guys with NO REASON
@elsaDelle - Yeah guys, he chased and almost KILLED you guys for no reason... that's weird
@annetteDelle - He sounds like a weird evil guy
@MerDBear - @annetteDell No, he sounds like that villain from the movies
@annetteDelle - Oh yeah! Those master minds!
@MerDBear - They look weak but they actually have an evil plan inside their heads
@Flynn_Fitz - I think it's probably just some weird person who like to prank people
@Da'frost_guy - Yeah
@Will_Robinson - But he tried to KILL us!
@H3Haddock - Maybe he's just threatening you guys, you shouldn't be afraid of him anymore
@anonymous101 - Are you kids sure? After all these years, I finally find you four again... I'm coming...
@T_hamada - Who was that?


So... this one might have a part 2 and/or a normal (not posts form) chapter  :)

Thank you, Bye!

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