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When that post was posted (the post from the last chapter) Hiro was not home. And this fact made Tadashi really worried. Why? The comment this anonymous guy made is really convincing, it might just be real. He decided to call a friend. He took his phone and dial some numbers.


"Hey, this is Tadashi"

"Oh. Wassup T! Why did you call me?"

"Hiro is missing"

"He's MISSING?! I'm on my way to your place right now!"

"Thanks, man"

"You're welcome"

Tadashi put his phone on his desk and wait for him to come. He might be younger than Tadashi, but he's a better detective than Tadashi is. He's clever, kinda loud, and fast. Like, really really fast. Figured out who he is? No?

It's- Ding dong the door bell rings. Aunt Cass wasn't home, she found another job already and right now she's on a business trip in Hong Kong. Tadashi jumped off his bed and walked down the stairs. "Coming!" He shouted.

He opened the door and first saw the blonde hair. Then looked down and saw his red T-Shirt with the letter 'i' on it.

Dash Incredible, Violet's younger brother. He walked in and Tadashi locked the door behind him.

"So?" Tadashi asked.

"You said your brother is missing?" Dash asked back. Tadashi nodded. Dash took a seat on on of the chairs there and Tadashi took a seat beside him. He started thinking. And realized something, earlier this morning Violet went out and haven't came back till... right now. And in the afternoon, around 4 p.m, Penny's mom called him to ask if Penny is there. He, of course, answered no because Penny is not there and then end the call. Penny's mom called again 4 hours later asking about the same thing, but this time Dash answered yes to not worry Penny's mom. He told her that Penny is having a sleepover with Violet there and her phone died. She believed this story and ended the call. Now, here he is 9 o'clock at night to figure out what happened to these teenagers. Finally, Dash made a conclusion that Penny, Violet, and Hiro are all missing and because they went missing at the same time, they are probably at the same place. But where? He thought to himself.

Tadashi saw the change on Dash's face and realized that Dash found something out but is not sure about it. Apparently, Tadashi's guess is 100% right!

So he asked "Dash, found something out yet?"

Dash looked up and said "I think. But I don't know if it's correct. Wanna hear it out anyways? Or should we think more?" Tadashi doesn't really care if it's correct. If it's not, he can make that to assure himself that everything is alright. But this time, Tadashi's thought were wrong. Dash told him everything he knows and this didn't make Tadashi felt better, now he's much more worried than he was earlier!

"-so yeah. That's what I think is happening. What do you think?" Dash finished. Tadashi wasn't even listening to his last question, he was thinking of possible people who could kidnapped his younger brother Hiro.

Tadashi snapped out of his thinking when Dash said "But here's what confused me," Tadashi looked up and now his eyes are on Dash "don't the three of them, usually hang out as a foursome and not a trio?" Once Dash finished, Tadashi start thinking about that.

"Yeah! Who's the other guy's name? Will?" Tadashi asked unsure

"Wilbur!" Dash completed "Yeah him, where is he right now?"

"I don't know," Tadashi answered and looked toward his room for a while before going back to Dash and said "wanna try to call him?" Dash nodded. Tadashi took Dash to his and Hiro's room and took his phone.

"How can you have his phone number?" Dash asked confused

"My brother always keep his friend's numbers in my phone. So when he lost it, he can just see their numbers from my phone and don't need to ask for it when they meet each other" Tadashi answered and pressed the contact name 'Wilbur' to call him "It's ringing" Tadashi told Dash. Tadashi put the phone on speaker and put it between him and Dash.


"Thank God- I mean, hello too" Tadashi said

"Who is this?"

"This is Tadashi, Hiro's older brother"

"Oh. Hi Tadashi, what's up?"

"So here's the thing, Hiro is missing"

"Hiro is missing? Have you tried asking Penny about it? They both usually hang out together, like just the two of them ya' know"

"No we haven't but Penny's mom said that she's not home yet"

"Well then, I guess they're together right?"

"Not just that, Vi is also not home yet!" This time Dash answered the question

"Is that Dash? Hi Dash. And WHAT!? Violet wasn't home yet? I thought I dropped her in front of your house after we went to the arcade."


"Yeah, I dropped her off and then I drove away"

"Did you saw her entering the house?"

"Well... no, because I thought she'll just walk in after I dropped her off"

"So the kidnapping didn't happen when they were hanging out with each other..." Dash said quietly this time, hoping that Wilbur can't hear it. But he was wrong, Wilbur heard it and was confused


"What- no! It's just that- ugh!"

"Where are you guys?"

"At the cafe. Tadashi and Hiro's house, why?"

"I'm coming"

"Ok. See ya'"

The call ended. Tadashi and Dash looked at each other and stayed quiet.

"Hey," Dash finally broke the silence "the kidnapper kidnapped Vi, Penny, and Hiro right? What if he..."

Dash haven't finished his talking but Tadashi already get what he was saying "Oh yeah! And Wilbur can't even drive a car yet! He'll be walking his way here!" They looked at each other this time with wide surprised eyes.

They ran downstairs and stopped when they hear Ding dong.

They were relieved that Wilbur wasn't kidnapped. Tadashi opened the door and it revealed Wilbur. He welcomed Wilbur in and then locked the door behind him.

Tadashi is now standing beside Dash and Wilbur is standing in front of the two of them. There was a silent moment but it ended when Wilbur calmly asked "So... what's the plan?"

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