Chapter 8

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Edie's P.O.V

after I ate my plateful of pancakes, I decided to get ready for today and wash the feeling of flour I had lingering on my body.

Everyone was still covered in the stuff but I only had a few sprinkles here and there.

I stepped into the shower and decided that I would wash my hair so that's what I did.

After my shower was done I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my now clean and free of flour body.

Whenever I have a shower when I'm getting ready I just do my hair before I get dressed, I think it's so I don't drench my clothes with soggy hair.

I plugged in my best hair dryer and placed it above my head but before I turned it on I noticed some powder fall from inside the object.

Seriously, they put flour in the hair dryer. Ugh.

I faced it downwards into the sink and turned it in making flour go all over the bench. They are probably laughing their arses off right now but I'm not that stupid. I saw Dan do this to phil in a video once.

I most of the flour out and just decided that it would just dissolve in my hair anyway.

I dried my hair with no flour trouble thankfully, I put it up in a bun on top of my head, did a smokey eye with winged eyeliner and now I had to figure out what to wear.

I settled on my batman tank top which I tucked into my hairy waisted, ripped black shorts. I threw on my purple vans and walked back out to the people in the bathroom.

"How was your shower?" Lily said obviously trying not to laugh but I just kept a straight face.

"It was good." I said back and she looked a bit confused.

"It was good because I managed to get all of the flour out of my hair dryer before I used it." I said and turned my head in her direction and gave her a smirk.

I sat down in the lounge next to pj and threw and arm over my shoulder but made it look like it was in a friendly way.

"What is the plan for today besides all of you having a shower?" I said and they shrugged.

"I'm Dan, Phil and myself are making a video for YouTube geek week" Chris said and I nodded.

"I'm going to paint something." Lily said. That just left myself and pj.

"I'm going to work on the set for my new video, wanna help?" He said turning to me and I nodded. "Sure."

Everyone had a shower and got rid of all of the flour around Dan and phils flat which just seemed to be spreading more and more but we eventually got rid of it.

Lily and I went back to our flat after she said good bye to dan and the others so she could get dressed and paint whatever she wants to paint.

She is an amazing artist mind you. If you tell her to paint something she will either draw it or if it's a really good idea she will paint it on a canvas and make me hang it up some where in the house.

I was only coming back to the place to get my keys and wallet before heading back over to Dan and phils flat where, from there, pj and I are getting on the tube and back to his place.

"See you later Lily! I'll call you when I get to pjs" I said as I opened the door.

"Okay! See you later then." She yelled back and I left for Dan and phils place where I saw pj waiting out the front.

"Letsa gooo" I said like Luigi.

"Another reason to like pj has been added to the mental list." I said and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I watch your videos, I just made a list of things I like about you and now your Mario and Luigi thing has been added." I said and he laughed and nodded.

We found our way to the underground tube and we were off to pjs.

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