7 what war?

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Eren's POV

We reached the town I was shocked to see huge groups of half breeds, walking around wearing cloaks, they smiled with excitement when they spotted us and rushed over to greet Mikasa, Armin and Annie. They all gave me curious smiles, welcoming me whilst they asked me questions, they were all very friendly.

We talked to the crowds of people for a while before Mikasa excused us and led us further into the town until we reached an area that looked like a giant nature reserve. We trudged through the leaves and sticks, dodging trees and keeping relatively close to one another. We continued through the dense woods until we reached a clearing, that was pretty far from any roads and right in the middle was large house that almost looked like a mansion.

Mikasa opened the door, revealing the crowded space filled with half breeds and when the door slammed behind us all eyes darted in our direction.

"Oh my god you guys are here! What brings you back home now?" A boy with dark hair and freckles asked, he had a huge happy smile on his face and he was clearly thrilled to see them.

Although he seemed so bright and happy he looked like he had had his fare share of misfortunes as well, just like Mikasa and Armin he had scars too.

His left wing and horn were completely gone, he had a huge scar across the left side of his face which extended from his brow to his chin and his left eye was closed completely.

"Hey Marco, we're here for preparation for the war. Marco meet Eren, son of God" Mikasa spoke softly, causing everyone in the room to stare at me with wide eyes and whisper to one another.

"He's here"
"Now we can do it"
"justice is a day away"
"You owe me fifty bucks"

I looked at all of them seeing a tall girl with tan skin, brown hair, brown eyes and freckles walk forwards, she showed little to no emotion on her face, only a small smirk plastered on her face.

"So this is Eren?" She asked looking me up and down, she circled me as if she were assessing me, Mikasa nodded stepping forwards with a smile.

"Where's the doctor? He's injured" Armin asked softly, the girl to look at him before she turned her gaze to me once more her eyes darting straight to my wing.

It still hurt immensely but I had been trying to ignore it for the past few days.

"She's in the market somewhere. I'll take him to her, you guys need to get planning" she stated grabbing my arm and tugging me away leaving no time for the others to argue.

I followed after her through the woods, once again dodging trees and attempting to not trip. She pulled her hood over her head as we continued walking, eventually we ended up in a small cleared out area that had stalls and produce everywhere.

"Krista will look at whatever injures you have and see what she can do. Then I'll take you back to the house and we will start planning our defence and
attack" the girl informed me as we continued walking, I was becoming annoyed at the mention of so much fighting not to mention being very confused.

"What's all this talk about war?" I asked feeling heavily curious, I didn't want a part in the death of anyone or anything. In fact I want to be as far away from violence as I can be.

"Mikasa didn't tell you?" She asked turning to look at me with a slightly shocked look, I shook my head and confusion suffocated me.

"A war is about to break out between the demons and the angels" she began taking a deep breath and looking at me momentarily.

"The devil has made a deal with us, he thinks it was unfair for us to be exiled from the dark sky, he promised to help us reclaim our home if we take down the man behind it all" she finished and gave me a slightly wary look. It was obvious from
Her body language that she didn't trust me and thought I might retaliate.

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