Hidden Treasure

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     Yes - He thought. It's close to being done. On the table, there were gadgets of all kinds from a screwdriver to a high-intensity laser that could cut through any metal it was directed to. His project was almost done. He had been waiting for this for a long time. All he needed was to get the battery and he would be able to open that dam safe that his father left him. He remembered that day. His father had given him a key to safe right before he died, but it had fallen into the sewers when he got out of the hospital. He had tried to call different key openers to open it. He had even called in a robber but at last, the safe seemed indestructible, until... One day, a scientist had invented a laser that could cut through any metal. The carious had grown so much that he started collecting material to make a laser himself. It had been seven years but at least since then. The battery was now in place. He turned it on and a small laser pointer to the edge of the safe. He aimed it towards the lock and cranked the dial all the way to five. The metal began to melt and fall to the floor. Yes - He thought once more. It's almost there. I can't wait to see what's in there. Maybe riches? Money? Perhaps ancient jewels? The safe clinked open and he immediately turned off the laser. He ran towards the safe and tried to open the rest with a crowbar. The glove hissed as it touched the metal but all he wanted to do was see inside. Finally, it opened and inside was a small envelope. Eager to see what's inside, he opened it and out came a paper that read - I hope you didn't take long to open this safe. He sat there in disappointment. It had taken him seven years to open that safe and all that was in there was a letter. He threw it in the air and it glided down to reveal the backside that contained extra words. He picked it up In satisfaction and read it out loud - "If you want the real reward, You can find an x in our first home." Immediately, he grabbed a map and raced to his car with a mark set under the sea.

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