The Piano Girl

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     Her palms were sweaty as she reached the first step of the stage. She turned towards the crowd and her legs began to tremble. This was her first time of a real stage. Now it was time to show all that she has done over the last two years. She sat at the piano bench and took a deep breath as she remembered her journey. Two years ago, she had been to a concert like this one, but she was with the crowd. A small boy came up the stage and everyone was all surprised. The boy tripped as he was walking towards the piano. The crowd cheered to give him motivation. At last, he reached the piano and began to play. The crowd awed as the boy hit the notes. she was so amazed that every note filled her heart with a different emotion. At that moment, She decided to learn to play the piano. A few days later, her father bought her an electric piano set.  She pressed a note and frowned as the notes she played didn't come out like the little boy's. She looked up to his father and he said: "It's alright, If You keep practicing, you will eventually be able to play more than the little boy." Those words stuck with her. Day in day out, she practiced on the piano. Her father looked at her and she eventually got someone to teach her. She began to play mary had a little lamp and baa black sheep. Half a year later she began to play more advanced songs. She remembered how she used to play jingle bells on Christmas and scary songs for Halloween. But then half a year after that, her father got very ill and died. His last words to her were, "Keep playing your song and I will live in it." At first, she didn't know what he meant until several days later she learned that she could make her own song. She didn't let the death of her father get to her and instead, she practiced more and harder until she was able to play her own song. That was when she received a letter to play at a concert at the place were this dream once began. She grabbed her music and piano and raced towards to concert. She was ready. She had practiced for two years, all so that she could play her father her song. She took another deep breath and began two play each note with elegance. Each note was written with her story all over it. She looked at the crowd in hopes that someone out there will be motivated to play the piano as she had. She smiled and thought - This is for you dad. Wherever you may be.

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