Chapter 1

11 2 3

Click. Clack. Click. Cla---

"Can I help you... Madam?" The blonde, blue eyed modelesque concierge asked in a patronising manner. Val, she looked like a Val. Painting a gorgeous smile onto my made-up face I answered. Short and simple, I replied "No thank you, darling. I'm waiting for my client." Holding back the laughter growing in my chest, I gave her another tight smile. With that Val turned and strutted back to her desk (if you're asking me, she had too much of a swagger when she walked, not runway material) resuming her duties.

By now, I was used to the looks and glares; Val was no different. What amused me, was the fact that I got the glares and the hate - not my clients. Surely, I don't deserve these opinions - no not opinions - assumptions made about me. They don't know me... but they sure know my clients my subconscious sniggered.

My clients were often wealthy (that was a must) but gender didn't matter to me at least. As long as they paid I was game. Due to this fact it was often required of me to meet them in, how do you say it? Prestigious places such as now, I am in a hotel that costs half a leg and two arms. I'm not bothered by this (I was in the beginning) but everyone else is. They say I don't belong, I don't have the right and most certainly the money to be here. They say they don't want the likes of me here. They say they don't want the riffraff here. Yet, here I am waiting for my client.

I've been here near twelve minutes. Too long. He's not coming, my client has fled with his tail between his legs. Looks like I'm not going to be making any mon— Ding! The sound of the elevator breaks through my bourgeoning worry — he's here.

Mr James Adams, 61 year old business tycoon and my current client. I've had him before... he knows the rules, he's a regular.

Elegantly, I cross the marble, gold encrusted tiles of the lobby and join Mr Adams.

"Well don't you look handsome" I purr whilst gently running my hand up his arm and linking it through. The penetrating gazed of everyone in the lobby are now directly on me. Solely on me. I'm used to it, I can cope with it. Steeling myself, I straighten my spine and meet the gazes of the voyeurs.

I will not be treated as if I'm a lesser being. So what I'm with a man old enough to be my grandfather? So what if he's paid for my company? So what if I have sex with him? It's none of their business. They have no right to shun me, no right to make me feel unwanted! With that, Mr Adams and I put on a united front and begin our approach to the exit.

"Mr Adams, is this your niece?"

Val was back and so were the judgemental eyes. The tight smile, rigid body and glaring eyes told me she knew who I was. She knew the situation and yet she decided to confront Mr Adams — the hotel's most valued customer. Before Mr Adam's could respond I released a slight chuckle that held no warmth or humour. Pulling on my biggest Barbie smile and making my voice as sweet as sugar,

" Ah Val, sweetie, you have misread the situation. I am his date for this evening"

The sheer shock on her face gave me so much delight. One point to me none to Val. She was speechless and so Mr Adams and I elegantly glided the rest of the way to the large glass doors. The young doorman, gave me a small smile and opened the door for us. We crossed the threshold, leaving behind the looks, the glares and disgust.

The sleek black Rolls Royce awaited us, to take us away from this place. This is the last time — well for this evening — we will have to face such judgement. For where we were headed there would be none of that as this was common among Mr Adams' friends.

I was in for quite an evening, ah the joys of being an escort!

Hello readers, welcome to my first book. It is still a work in progress, please leave any constructive criticism I am always looking to improve. Please let me know if you enjoyed the chapter and would like me to continue.

Thanks for your time

-R Lawrence

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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