Chapter 4

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Edgy POV

I could see him trying to get the collar off.  Unfortunately Alphys, the royal scientist, made me this.  It would only release if I press the red button on this remote she gave me.  I then heard my twin coming up to me.  The tall trees almost blocking my view of him.

He tackled me down and gave me a nuggy.  I then heard a scream from behind me.  Great I forgot he was here when my bro showed up.  

So what is this child doing here.  I thought we agreed no creature besides us would know of our den!  My bro sternly growled.

The dogs gave it to me so they could cross through our woods.  I brought it to the cave so our brothers could make a meal out of it.  It woke up and screamed, so I put it on a collar and took it for a walk.  I lied.

You are so stupid brother.  Why did you not check it's pulse before you said it was dead.  He was catching on to me.

Well the hu... I tried to tell him the human was mine, but he would not listen.

He walked into the den, so I followed him to get my point across. 

Zackary POV

I looked around me finally taking everything in.  The Pine trees were so beautiful with snow covering the tops of the pines.  Bushes were everywhere, they were filled with glistening snow.  The snow was everywhere, covering everything, and it was still coming.  I started to feel a cold breeze blow past me.  How could there be wind underground?  

I ignored the question and continued to struggle.  Nothing seemed to happen.  I could feel the cold nipping at my flesh.  I started to cry out of frustration and fear, fear of a painful death.  I cried and cried when the different skeleton monster came out. 

The monster was wearing a baby blue sweatshirt, with some white fur outlining the hood.  It wore black paints with a white stripe down the sides.  This one though was wearing pink slippers, I gave out a little snort.  The new monster walked up to me and licked me.  After the lick it patted my head and walked back into the cave.  

I waited for the nicer skeleton monster to come out.  Instead of the nice one Edgy came out with a remote in paw.  Edgy pressed the button and the leash let go of the collar.  Edgy grabbed me by the collar and carried me into the Cave.  The cave had beautiful crystals sparkling and giving lite to the cave. 

Edgy then grabbed me the Harry Potter book I was reading.  It then plopped me and the book into the nest thing.  He then plopped himself next to me, and grabbed me pinning me to his chest.  I then heard barking and some purrs.  When I looked up another skeleton monster was staring at me.  Another was cleaning around the cave.  

The two taller ones wore armor and had scarfs.  One wore orange, white, and red.  The other wore red, gray, and orange.  The two looked at me, making me feel nervous.  I grabbed some apples and left.  

After a couple of minutes I heard a very loud roar and more little ones that got closer and closer.


Wow can't believe people are reading my story.  Don't forget to vote if you liked my book.  Have a great life. Zachary is 14 years old in this story right now.

569 words

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