Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The next morning, we wake up and are still lying tangled up together. Getting out of bed, we get dressed and head downstairs to the kitchen. Juice walks in ending his call. "Logan is having James pick us up and he's getting our license for us." he tells me. "Good." I say. I look at Martha and say "You need to take a break for awhile." She looks at me confused and I say "You have a wedding to attend." She smiles wide and says "Congrats baby girl." An hour later, James picks us up and we head to the courthouse. Walking up to the front of the courthouse, Logan hands us the marriage license, takes Martha's hand and says "Let's do this." Juice stops and says "We're missing someone." I look at him confused and we see Tyler walk up. Juice looks at me and says "Someone has to give you away." I kiss him and say "Thank you." We head inside and as we are getting ready to walk into the Justice of the Peace's office, Logan pulls out his phone. I see him put it on speaker and when the JOP asks "Who gives this woman away to be married?" I hear Ronnie say "Tyler and I do." I look at Juice and he smirks. "Couldn't do this without your brothers." I smile and say "I love you."

Half an hour later, we are husband and wife. Walking out of the courthouse, I look at Tyler and hug him. "Thank you for being here and giving me away." I tell him. "I wouldn't miss this for anything sis. Love you." he tells me. "Love you too little brother." before he leaves. Looking at Logan I say "I can't believe you got my brother on the phone." I say. "That was all Juice's idea." he tells me. I look at Juice and he says "Your brother needed to be included. He's part of the reason we're together." he tells me and I nod. I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

After Logan drops us off at home, I pull Juice to the bedroom where I claim him as my husband for the first, second and third time. Getting up the next morning, I go to the shower and he follows me in. Pinning me to the wall, he enters me slowly before thrusting in and out at a fast and hard pace, causing me to lose myself to him with him following right behind me. We finish our shower and head down to the kitchen. Walking in, Martha says "Morning love birds." I smile and say "Morning Martha." Juice laughs and says "Morning." We sit at the island and she hands us our plates. We eat before heading to the office to look over a few things. We aren't sitting there long before my phone rings. "Good morning Chibs." I greet him as I answer. "Morning Lass. Can you and Juicy meet come to the clubhouse? We need your help." he tells me. "Um...Sure. We'll be there shortly." I tell him. Ending the call Juice asks. "What did Chibs want?" I look at him and he says "He asked if you and I could come to the clubhouse. He needs our help." I tell him. We head out the door and Logan drives us there.

Walking up to the clubhouse, Tig is waiting outside for us. "Hey guys. Thanks for coming." he tells us before leading us into the clubhouse. We see Chibs standing by the double wooden doors. "Aye, Lass, Juice. Thanks for coming." he greets us. "What did you need help with?" I ask. "It's in the chapel but before we go in, I need to tell you what happened." he tells me and Juice and I nod as Juice puts his arm around my waist, pulling me to him, protectively. "We had an issue with another crew, Calaveras. Shite went south and we took them out, with the help of Alvarez. But there was a problem we didn't know about until after it was done." he tells us. "What problem?" I ask. He leads us to the chapel and we see a newborn baby being held by Montez. "Both parents gone?" Juice asks. "Aye. Didn't know the wee one was even there until after it was all done. Both parents dead." Chibs says. "Can't send him through the system. Too many questions." I say. "How old do you think he is?" Juice asks. I take the baby from Montez and put him on the blanket that Juice spread on the table. Unwrapping him, he still has his umbilical cord. "He can't be more than a few days old." I tell them. "How can you tell?" Montez asks. "See this here? Looks like a scab? That's part of his umbilical cord. It hasn't fallen off yet. Usually comes off after about a week." I tell them and they all nod. "What do you need from us?" I ask, holding the wrapped up little boy close. I look at him and see he's sleeping again. "We'll take him." Juice says. I look up at him shocked. "Guys, can I get a minute with my wife please?" They all look shocked before smiling and patting him on the back as they leave the room. "Juice..." I start. "I said we'd figure it out about having kids. He's only a few days old, Randi. He can't go into the system." he tells me. I look down at the baby and he says "We can raise him. He'll be our son." I look at him and before I can ask he says "I'm sure. My dad bailed on me. Mom wasn't much better. He's just a baby. He didn't ask for this. It's all about family, remember?" he says. I nod. "Really?" he asks. "Really. Tell the guys we'll take him and I'll get our lawyer to handle the legals." I tell him. He kisses me softly and says "I love you." I smile and say "I love you too." He opens the door and the guys come in. "We're taking him. We'll have our lawyer draw up all the legal papers and make sure it's legit." Juice says and they all seem to be relieved. "You need a name." T.O. says. I look at Juice and say "Juan Carlos Ortiz Jr." I say. Juice looks at me and I say "This might be our only chance at a child. He's getting named after you." He kisses me softly and says "Juan Carlos Jr it is."

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