Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

An hour later, we are at home with Carlos, we decided to call him, and I am feeding him in the rocking chair while watching Juice and Logan put the crib together. Putting Carlos on my shoulder to burp him, I lay him against me and he goes to sleep. I'm rubbing his back as he sleeps and see Logan look up at me. "What?" I ask. "Sylvia would be proud of you, boss." he says. "I hope so." I say. Juice looks at me and I see concern in his eyes. "I'm okay baby. I'm happy. I just wish she could be here to meet her grandson." I tell him. "You'll make sure he knows who she was." he tells me and I smile. Martha walks to the door and says "Tyler is here to see you." She shows him into the nursery and I see him smile. "Who's the little one?" he asks. "Our son. Juan Carlos Ortiz Jr. We're calling him Carlos." I tell him. "I'm happy for you but how'd this happen?" he asks. "Kid was left without parents so we have him. Lawyer is putting it all in writing for us. He's ours." Juice says and Tyler says "Let me see him." I move him off my shoulder and cradle him and Tyler says "He's cute." and I can't help but laugh a little.

The next day, I get up with Carlos and have him changed and fed and rocking him. Juice walks into the nursery and says "Logan got us a room so we can introduce Carlos to your brother." he tells me. "Good." I say, not looking up from Carlos. Juice kneels down and sees a tear fall from my eye. "Hey. What's wrong?" he asks. I look up at him and say "Absolutely nothing. I can't believe we have a family. I have a wonderful husband, a perfect son. I never thought I'd have this." I tell him. "You're really that happy?" he asks. "Yes baby. I am. You and Carlos are what I have been missing all this time." I tell him. He kisses me softly and Juice holds Carlos while I get ready to see my brother.

Sitting in the bought room, waiting on Ronnie. He is lead in and sees me holding a baby. "Who do we have here?" he asks. "Ronnie, this is your nephew, Carlos." I tell him. He looks at me confused and Juice says "Club called. Kid needed a home. We wanted a family." Ronnie smiles and said "Problem solved." I nod. "I'm happy for you Randi. Really." he says. Juice takes Carlos from me and hands him to Ronnie. I look at my brother holding my son and he says "You little man, are a lucky little one. You're mommy is going to be the best and you know why? Because she knows how special you are." he says and I feel a tear fall. Ronnie looks at me and smiles. The guard comes in and Ronnie hands Carlos back to Juice and I hug him before he's carted off.

We get back home and I am feeding Carlos. Juice sits on the couch next to me and says "This is what I wanted. A family. A wife and child. Thank you baby." he says. "I should be thanking you. You had the choice. You could have left but you didn't." I tell him. "I stayed because the minute I saw you sitting at that coffee shop, you never left my mind." he says. I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of my head. "Give me my son." he says. I hand him Carlos and he looks down at the baby, who's looking up at him and says "You will never have to wonder where me and your mom are. We will always be here. We will always love you and will always have your back." he says and I wipe the tears from my eyes.

That night, we a lying in bed and have the baby monitor on the nightstand. We can hear Carlos' little snores and we just listen. "That's a beautiful sound." he says. "I know. Kind of sounds like you when you're sleeping." I tell him. "I don't snore." he says. "Yes baby, you do. Not loud but you do. It's relaxing." I tell him and he rolls his eyes. "I love you momma." he says. "I love you more daddy." I say before we drift off to sleep.

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