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After feeling out of control for so long, it felt slightly good to have made her own decision for once. A somewhat bold one, really.

And though she felt guilty for hurting Abraxas, she knew she had made a very good choice. A very correct choice. She was so tired of having to weigh morally grey options, agonizing endlessly over which was the best.

As she walked through the corridors, Saffron felt strange. Mostly, she was profoundly upset. She had essentially sold her soul to an extremist cult, hurt someone in trying to salvage the friendship she had with another person who may still never forgive her, and was still hopelessly lost in a horrible mess.

Saffron didn't realize she was walking towards the library until she found herself among the bookcases. In her aimless walking, her subconscious had led her right to where she wanted to go: to see Lionel.

Unfortunately, Pippa appeared to be using him as a resource as well. Saffron rounded a corner into a secluded nook that would have been nearly impossible to find directly if not for her Sight. There, sitting at a tiny table, were Lionel, Pippa, and Rory. The latter two were faced towards Saffron. Only Lionel, whose back was to her, had books in front of him.

Pippa was speaking in a hushed voice before Saffron appeared but immediately cut herself off once she noticed her. Rory averted his gaze from Saffron before they could make eye contact. His face was still red and his eyes were glassy and vacant.

With no final words to Lionel, Pippa pushed back her chair aggressively and grabbed Rory's arm to help him stand. His body drooped as she led him away. Pippa spared no glance at Saffron. Rory, however, met her eyes fleetingly. He was angry, but he didn't even speak to her. That was the most worrying part. When Rory was mad, he almost always showed it outwardly.

When Saffron turned to Lionel again, he was staring at his books and shaking his head slightly. She knew that he wasn't mad at her, he just felt tired and dejected.

Carefully, Saffron slipped into the seat adjacent from his and she met his green eyes which looked more muted and grey than ever. Saffron's head, suddenly too heavy to hold up, fell unceremoniously onto her crossed arms. She was too tired to cry.

"What a mess you're in," Lionel said. "Pippa and Rory think you're dating Malfoy."

"I'm not dating Malfoy," said Saffron from inside her arms. She rose her head again. "I just told him that I couldn't date him. Because of Rory, actually."

"You told him you couldn't date him because he's a blood purist?" asked Lionel. Saffron nodded. "Well, I'll be sure to tell Pippa that. She didn't think you would."

Saffron took a shaky, laborious breath. "What was she talking to you about?"

Lionel almost smiled. "She cornered me to rant about what a terrible friend you are. She also wants me to let you know that she encourages you to never speak to her or Rory again."

"That's a little dramatic,"

"Well, she's quite furious, if you didn't notice,"

"What did Rory say?" asked Saffron.

"He really didn't say anything. Pippa's anger is a little more righteous than it is sincere, I think. Rory is deeply hurt right now." Lionel crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back into his chair.

Saffron scratched her neck, once again feeling like she was falling hopelessly out of control. "Do you think she means it? Do you think they'll talk to me again?"

"Oh yes, they'll talk to you again. The real question is how well you'll be able to repair the damage you've done. Rory feels like he's been stabbed in the back by his closest friend. That sort of injury won't heal easily. And, Pippa will feel better once Rory feels better."

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