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"Alright guys! I'll see you tomorrow!" Shannon slurred as he walked out of the bar. He waved to his drinking buddies and got into his car, slamming the door.

He was confident he could drive home while drunk, he was a great driver.

Or so he thought.

He didn't think so when he was sitting in a hospital because he had run into a pole, totaling the front of his car.

"Mr. Leto, your blood work shows that you tested positive for drugs in your system." The nurse said disapprovingly.

Constance, Shannon's mother walked out of the room with a tear rolling down her face.

That's when he knew he had to get his life back together.

So he did. By signing up for rehab at Friendly Acres.


"Mommy, why can't I hug you?" Dustin, Emily's son asked her.

"Because you just can't, baby." Emily responded.

It had gotten worse; she not being able to touch things, in fear of getting dirt on her hands or body. It had gotten to the point where she couldn't even hug her own son without her having to go take a shower, scrubbing herself raw and washing her hands 12 times afterwards.

When she woke up, Emily had to brush her long brown hair until it stood straight up with static. She then had to brush her teeth 5 times and her hands 12. All while not touching the sink.

If she touched the sink, she had to do it all over again.

When Emily got dressed, she chose what she wanted to wear and then had to measure the space in between her hanging clothes. Emily had to make it to where every clothing item was separated by 6.11 centimeters and by length, color, casualty, season, and brand; all in alphabetical order.

Emily's foster mom, Shari had to come over everyday to take Dustin to school. Emily couldn't touch the steering wheel of her own car anymore.

"I signed you up for rehab." Emily's mother announced.

"I'm fine mom! I don't need rehab!" She had fired back.

"Honey, if you call this normal, then the rest of the world is insane. You are going to Friendly Acres! Do it for Dustin!" Her mother said sternly.

And that's when she stopped talking.

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