Chapter 6

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What's that envelope on the floor? Shannon thought as he stood up to get dressed.

He bent down and picked it up. "Shannon" was written on it in curly handwriting.

The drummer tore open the envelope to find the drawing of himself. He flipped it over to find a note from Emily.

Dear Shannon,

I'm being forced to leave. But please know that I want to stay because of you. Ever since you started to talk to me you have made me want to try and limit my compulsions. You make me want to be a better person and a healthier person when it comes to my disorder. I look forward everyday for you to come and us take a walk or for you to just talk to me. I love hearing your voice and your thoughts. I know, I haven't spoken to you yet. I'm working on it. I'll miss you so much Shannon. You were the only in this damned rehab center that believed in me. I didn't even believe in me before you arrived. And I thank you for that. Just for being you, you have inspired me to start believing I can. I'm forever grateful. I have no idea whether I will ever see you again, I hope so. Hopefully next time I will be able to hug you and talk to you. Please write me back.



She's gone? Shannon questioned. He suddenly ran out of his room and to Emily's room to find a worker taking Emily's mattress away. The room was bare and empty.

She really had left.

Shannon stormed off to find a counselor or the manager.

He was prepared to tell them that he wasn't going to get better without Emily being with him.

All he wanted to do was either get drunk or bang the anger out with his precious drums. Neither of which were things he could do at the moment.

"Karen!" Shannon yelled.

"Yes?" She turned around.

"Why in the hell would you take Emily away?" He roared.

"She isn't getting better Shannon. She needs advanced and stronger treatment." Karen said calmly.

"Treatment? She doesn't have a fucking disease! She has a disorder! Which is getting better! You know why? Because ever since I got here she wants to change she told me in this letter!" He threw the letter at the shocked manager.

"It doesn't matter, Shannon. She still hadn't shown any signs of improvement. At the place she is at now she will receive the care she needs. She'll get better. Maybe if she shows progress I will let her come back. But as for now, no." The manager said firmly and handed Shannon the letter back.

"Well where is she staying?" He asked impatiently.

"Meadows' Rehab. Why?" She asked.

"Because I'm going to get her back." He said.

"You are not allowed to leave the premises. I'll have security surrounding the building." She said retorted.

"Okay." Shannon stated simply and turned around and headed back to his room to call his brother.


"Hey Shannon, what's up?" Liam called.

"Fuck off Liam. I don't want to talk to you."

"Is this about what I said the other day?" He asked, following Shannon.

"What else would it be about?" Shannon said angrily.

"I didn't mean it. Another person pissed me off before I talked to you and my prescription got changed. I promise Shannon, I didn't mean it. I see how much you like her. I don't think Emily is a mute. You're right, she will talk when she wants to. Okay?" He apologized sincerely.

Shannon shifted from one foot to another, "Alright. I believe you." He gave the smallest hint of a smile.

"Thank you Shannon!" Liam smiled and headed off to the library.


Meanwhile Emily had just arrived at the new rehab and she was scared.

"Open the door Emily." A worker commanded.

Emily's eyes widened and she shook her head no.

"Then we're going to be here for a while." He sighed and sat down on the dirty sidewalk.

Emily gawked at him and kept looking back at the door.

She pulled out her disinfecting wipes and started to open the door.

"No. Put those down. Use your bare hand." He said sternly.

Emily started to pull her hand away with the thought occurred to her of how much trouble she could get in.

By just opening a door with a wipe? She thought, probably not much.

So she glared at the worker and swung open the door.

Then she stepped in and her face fell.

She was in prison.

A/N: I've had so many things going on in my life right now, so it's been hard to write and to want to write. But not that Thanksgiving Break is on Wednesday and I'll be in the car for 2.5 hours, I will write a ton!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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