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'19.04.05. 23:46

Dearest H,

I'll let you go, H.

Thank you for showing me that I was not yet ready. That there are things far more greater and better for me out there.

As the school year ends on a bittersweet note, I would like to congratulate you for surviving college. You did great. Although, I was not able to tell you that personally today. You never looked my way when I saw you march through the halls of our university one last time.

Yes. I was there. But I didn't dwell long. It was still all too painful for me. The wound is still fresh and deep for me. You shook me up badly when you sent me that text.

But I'm not mad. I just wished we could have been. We could have given it a shot to see how things would turn out. Or atleast I would have wanted a closure.

A text was not enough to rest my mind about the case. It offended me that you would not face me head on and it never really provided much ease or explanation. But I understand. I have to understand. That was so you.

I'm happy for you anyway. Thank you for being the greatest highlight of my freshman year. It really was the greatest show.

I won't say that I don't love you anymore, but I do realize I need to put myself in priority now. As you said, we do have dreams to pursue. But, I do wish you the best despite you've bruised me up badly. I hope that the next time we see each other, it would be in better circumstances, that I wouldn't be hurt by your prescence anymore.

Henry Lee, I hope you're satisfied.

- Charity Owen.

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A/n: Thanks so much for reading through this short story... I hope you liked it! And if you did, please do vote, comment and share it to everyone! I would really love it... Till the next story! xx

Edit: you might have noticed I've attached a youtube video above. Weeeeellllll, it's kind of connected to the story as it is Charity and Henry's experiences depicted. The song is called I Do Adore by Mindy Gledhill and I would appreciate if you'd give it a like or a lil subscribe on yt lol much love xx

-Nicole O.

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