Chapter 5

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As Peter walks into the Brooklyn nursing home, he wonders what this will be like. He always wanted to talk to him, but he didn't know how to.

"Ah, Mister Parker!" the nurse says when Peter walks up to the front desk, "Mister Rogers has been waiting for you."

"Peter," an old, familiar voice says as Peter opens the door of Room 13, Steve Rogers' room for the past month, "Come here."

"Mister... Captain..."

"Steve. Peter, how are you holding up?"

Peter looks to the ground. "I'm fine, sir."

"No, you're not." Peter looks up at Steve's satisfied, content face. "I know that look, Queens." Steve Rogers looks so different, but yet the same. His blue eyes are the same piercing color, and his smile hasn't changed a bit. Steve knows he doesn't have much time left, but he figures he might as well be living well. "I miss him too."

"Why did you ask me to come here, Mister... uh... Steve?"

"I wanted to make sure you're not as angry as I was when I lost everything. I know what it's like to lose the person you love most, trust me."

"Thanks, sir. I'm okay. How are you doing?"

"This isn't about me. I'm a one-hundred-seventy-year-old man, I've had my time. You're fifteen. Do you need anything?"

"You don't need to-"

"When I got out of the ice and realized where- when- I was, I got... well, pissy. All I did was go to the gym. I wanna make sure you're not withdrawing yourself."

"Whoa, did you just swear? Never mind. Anyway, I'm fine. I just-"

"What did you decide to do?" Steve looks in Peter's eyes with an I-know-you're-hiding-something-from-everyone-so-spit-it-out look.

Peter sighs. "I'm giving up Spider-Man."

"What? Kid-" Steve sits up straighter in his bed, looking deeply shocked. "Kid, you shouldn't-"

"I just can't do it anymore. Spider-Man died five years ago. He should stay that way."

Steve's face morphs from shock to concern. "Peter, that's what people thought about Captain America. But, they were wrong. Now, ten years later, we have a new Captain America. But you're still here."

"Sir, what are you saying?"

"Mister Rogers? Your granddaughter is here to see you." A nurse pops in from the other room.

"Granddaughter?" Peter asks.

"We'll talk later, Queens," Steve says, waving Peter out the door.

Peter wonders why he felt so awkward as he walks down the street to get to the bus stop. He knows Steve Rogers, but why can't he talk to him? Is it because he's so old? Or is it because they fought each other? Peter has a lot on his mind, but he has one thing to focus on right now: Morgan. If not for him, she wouldn't have had so go to the hospital. However, she could've also been dead if not for him, so Peter doesn't know what to think. On the way to the hospital to visit his sister, Peter buys a bouquet of daisies, a teddy bear, and an Iron Man themed get well card. He may be sad, but Peter knows a good card when he sees one. On the bus, he gets a buzz from his phone.


NED: hey peter i just wanted to check up on you again today in case youre still alive. im gonna ask May if i can come over, ok? my mom is sick of me already. spiderman cant be dead peter. keep going


NED: omg wait someone is reading these texts now is that you peter?! come on you cant leave your friend to think youre dead still i mean i died but what if this is May looking at this because even though you and i both died youre still dead somehow or something? i dunno i guess i watch too many movies

Peter laughs while reading what his friend says, a feeling that he hasn't felt in a long time. "Oh, there's my stop," Peter realizes, and gets off the bus. As he steps off, he sees two tall women on the sidewalk, standing there, staring at him. Peter decides to pretend not to see the two staring at him, but they persist.

"Hey, kid. Where do you think you're going?" The blonde calls to Peter.

"Uh... I'm just going to my house..." Peter feels nervous. He knows what these girls are up to.

"Come here, kid!"

Peter turns around. "What is it?" Peter's already winded by Captain America wanting to see him, so he doesn't know what to do.

"What do you have in your pocket, kid?" The brunette interrogates Peter.

"Uh... nothing." Peter knows what comes next.

"Right..." the woman says. She then walks to Peter and slips her hand into Peter's jeans pocket, and pulls out his phone and the only money Peter has- five dollars. "So this is nothing?"

"...yeah..." Peter says carefully.

"Then you wouldn't mind me taking these," the woman sneers.

"Actually, I just remembered that I have to take that stuff to my mom," Peter interjects.

"Hmm.. I don't think so," the blonde smirks and motions for her friend. They proceed to kick Peter to the ground and run off with his phone and money. Peter, on the ground, isn't surprised. This is what happens when there's no Iron Man or Spider-Man. He stands up weakly, bruises on his face, and starts limping to the hospital for Morgan.

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