BangChan and The Cornrows

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Please for god sakes can people stop making shit that isn't that big so fucking huge...

I am African and Black and while i do acknowledge the negative effects and consequences of cultural appropriation I do argue that this situation is more of an honest positive inspiration from another culture.

There are a few things i want to talk about though...

1. It is NOT just HAIR...

I have seen loads of people defending BangChan (as they rightfully should) by saying that it's just hair and so therefore not that important.

This to me shows a certain amount of ignorance.

It is 100% not just hair..if it was why would people get fired, get shot and suspended for it.. Why would people be stripped of thier basic human right because of JUST hair?

Nope it is a medium through which black people have been mocked and discriminated agianst for centuries and equally a way through which we can express ourselves...

It is so much more than just hair but a way of life for millions of black people around the world.

Please dont make such statements.

2. I dont mind other people respectfully taking parts of our culture.

In my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with engaging amd interacting with other cultures. This is a normal part of human curiosity. And of done with no bad intentions and in a respectful way then why not?

Remember most times that Cornrows are done on other people its probably by black hair stylists.. why deny these people of thier income?

3. I do believe Chan should apologise (Or at least directly address and give context for the situation)

Let me explain, I DO NOT belive Chan is rascist at all. In fact in my poinion stray kidz is one of the most social-polically aware groups in kpop at the moment and it's obvious that this was a harmless incident on his part..

The poor boy just wanted to do a hairstyle he liked beacuse he loves the culture it comes from.

But.. saying this, it becomes obvious he was not aware of the cultural significance behind this hairstyle... and his lack of direct adress to the matter could portray a lack of care (of course I know he cares.. I saw the nosebleeds) and that would not be a smart move as it could be used against the group and him in the future.

Also context changes the way people see appropriation entirely.
For example you see a Caucasian woman with dreads ..

You immediatley label her but that woman's husband is black and she is going to visit his parents that week... You see the situation completely changes for people..

4. Stop Picking and Choosing

It's no secret that kpop draw numerous inspirations from black culture... while still having a rather colorist society. (and sometimes rascist view) It incredibly obvious and rampant in the community.

And that is why this situation makes less sense to me.. loads of k-artists have dawned black hair styles in the past and most times nobody says shit...

Kai did dreads for kokobop.
G Dragon does dreads on the regular. Lisa had box braids for the kill this love comeback.

You can not pick and choose who you 'CANCEL'.

Please get a life... if you guys are pulling BangChan for this shit then you HAVE to pull everyone.. if not it loses it's significance and becomes rather unafir.

In conclusion, please STOP sending his sweet self hate.

There is no need for that at all... most of the triggered people i've seen aren't even black...

please just stop.

If you feel like he was wrong


educate him instead of spouting this Ot8 trash.

I have seen him address the issue indirectly and that was very admirable of him.. I do still think he should do it directly but expect JYP as a company will have a few rules in accordance to this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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