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Jazz was born in the hospital her parents smiled. Her mom Cindy said"Hello my beautiful baby girl you look like your father you know." Jazz smiled and the nurse ran inside worried. The nurse said"Cindy you have to go now they will find her."

A van pulled up and Ben came out looking at the hospital. He looked at everyone in their cars. Ben said"Well don't just sit there go inside and kill Cindy." He told them and bring me the baby she must die. The men and girls ran in the hospital looking around. Rose got out and told Ben is this going to take long. She told him can't they just kill them and be done with it.

Ben said"Sorry Rose when that girl is dead then we can have some fun." He told her only if your good for me. Rose nodded and sat down on his lap. Cindy waited by the window Andy was out and told her ok I'm here. Cindy handed Jazz to him. Andy put Jazz in the car seat in the van. She jumped down and got in the van. Then they drove off hoping no one saw them.

Cody saw a nurse and told her I am looking for this girl her name is Cindy. He showed the nurse a picture and said"Cindy is my sister and I heard she had the baby." Evonne stared at Cody and pulled out a knife. Evonne said"Hello Cody do you remember me now your going to die." Cody started to fight Evonne with their knifes.

The others found the room that Cindy was put in. They saw the window was opened. The others went outside and a girl told Cody that they escaped. Cody said"What the boss isn't going to be happy about this go now I'll be there in a little bit." They ran outside and told Ben what happened. He kissed Rose and told them I have a plan. Ben looked at Rose and said "In the jeep my pet." Rose got inside Cody shot Evonne five times. Then Cody jumped outside the window.

The doctors saw what happened and called the cops. Police soon came inside the hospital and saw the body. Andy kept driving Cindy gave Jazz a bottle so she can eat. Jazz started drinking her bottle. The jeep stopped in front of their van. Ben smirked and told them do it now make them fall over. The jeep hit the van hard and the jeep flew in the air. And landed in the ocean. Cindy unbuckled herself as she looked at Andy. He was dead with blood on his head Cindy cried.

Eddie jumped in the ocean and tried to open the van. He pulled the van door but it wouldn't open. Eddie got a rock and threw it at the window. He went inside and took Jazz out of the van. Eddie brought Jazz to the hospital to make sure she's ok. The nurse came out but Eddie was gone. Jazz was put in the hospital room where babies go.

Jazz was crying for her mom and dad scared. A lady and man came in the hospital looking for a baby. The man looked at Jazz and smirked. He told her sweetie this baby is perfect take her. The lady and man adopted Jazz and soon they took her home.

Years went by and Jazz was now four years old. Nina saw Jazz was still asleep and frowned. She said "Jazz wake up now your going to be late for school." Nina told her and don't forget to go to the bar and take Jacky with you! Jazz frowned Nina told her your guys father will be waiting. Jazz got up Nina kicked her she fell and screamed. Nina told her that will teach you to listen to me. She told her now go or else your punishment will be worse.

Jazz got dressed and ran down stairs eating breakfast. Jacky was in her play pin playing. Nina and Jazz eat their food Jacky watched them and cried. She was hungry Damon came out drunk. He picked up Jacky Jazz was afraid watching him. Nina handed him a bottle Damon opened the bottle. He poured beer inside it and gave it to Jacky she drank it.

Jazz said "No don't Jacky is a baby she can get sick if she drinks that!" Damon put Jacky down and told Jazz are you talking back to me! He told her your glad we took you in you selfish girl! Damon socked Jazz Nina laughed then she stabbed Jacky with a knife on her leg. Then she pulled it out and left as Jacky cried. Jazz ran to Jacky she picked her up. Jazz put her in a wagon. Jacky strolled Jacky to the doctors.

The nurse and doctors saw them and asked Jazz what happened. Jazz said "Oh um there was a knife on the ground and Jacky fell on it." The doctors and nurses helped Jacky. Jazz waited in a room. The nurse told her she will be fine. Jazz nodded and went to school. Jacky was still at the doctors office. Jazz put her backpack in her cubby.

Emma went up to her Jazz jumped. Emma said"Sorry I just wanted to ask your name." Jazz got up and told her it's ok my name is Jazz welcome to our school. She looked at Emma and told her want to be friends? Emma thought about it and told her of course. She told Jazz can I sit with you on the purple carpet? Jazz nodded her head yes and they sat down.

Soon the teacher came inside then they went to recesses. Emma and Jazz started talking a way from the other kids. Emma frowned and said"Jazz that's a horrible story you have to tell the teacher." Jazz thought about it Emma told her they can help you with your parents. Jazz said"I can't they might hurt me Emma." She told her or Jacky might get hurt. Jazz told her if I disobey sometimes they hurt Jacky.

Emma hugged Jazz as the bell rang for lunch. Jazz and Emma ate their food with the class. The teacher said"Class were going to have a visitor it's the police." She told them they are going to talk to you. Jazz frowned and sat down on the floor a way from Emma. A cop lady came inside and smiled at the boys and girls. Sara said"Well this is a nice class so I am going to talk to you guys." Sara told them it's about being safe it's important stuff to know.

The class nodded Sara said "If someone stabs you or abuses you or hurts you." She told them what do you do anyone can answer. Emma rose her hand Jazz watched her. Sara called on Emma and told her yes go ahead. Emma said "You call 911 but only if it's an emergency." She told Sara and you should tell a teacher. Sara told her good but sometimes it can be hard. Sara told them like say it's your parents who are hurting you.

The class listened Sara said "I know it's hard but please tell your teachers." She told them and don't go home if this is happening. The class nodded Emma looked at Jazz worried. Jazz looked a way Sara smiled and held a bag. She handed everyone a fake badge. Sara said"Now you will be my police officers undercover." She told them if you see anything call the police. The class nodded as Sara left the classroom.

The class said bye then the bell rang to go home. Jazz picked up her backpack and Emma came up to her. Emma said "Jazz I wasn't going to tell but you should trust me." Jazz told her thanks Emma but I got to go see you later." Jazz went to the doctors but Jacky wasn't there. She ran home and saw the police cars. The cars were at her parents house. Jazz opened the door and saw Nina and Damon. They were under arrest.

The police took Jazz and Jacky to the orphanage. Hannah came inside and saw them she smiled. Hannah said"Hello Jazz my name is Hannah I'm your real mom." She told her Nina and Damon will never hurt you again. Hannah told her and Jacky is your real little sister but she got adopted.

Jazz got her stuff and moved in with Hannah. It wasn't easy she missed Jacky and started to cut herself. Jazz kept having bad dreams. When it was time for dinner Jazz went to wash her hands. Hannah saw the cuts. Jazz explained to Hannah that she started cutting herself. Jazz explained one time she took pills and almost died. She told Hannah no one came to save her but she threw up the pills.

Jazz told her she didn't feel good at all after that. Hannah hugged her and walked out of the bathroom. Jazz looked in the mirror. She was glad to be free from that place and those people. Jazz sat down at the table and was also happy Jacky was safe. She believed everything Hannah said to her. But at Hannah's house things were different. Which Jazz would figure that out pretty soon.

Jacky arrived at her new home frowning. Jake stopped the car and looked at her. He said "You will be ok Jacky I have you now." Jake told her but your name won't be Jacky anymore. Jake got out and helped Jacky out. He told her your name is Ashley now right Cody. Jacky frowned seeing Cody come out of the house.

Cody smirked and looked at Jacky thinking about this. Cody said "Jake that's not the girl." Jake frowned thinking great Ben will kill us. Cody told him but she can stay. Jake brought Jacky in the house. Cody said"Will teach her to do what we do come on Ashley." Jacky frowned hearing kids scream in pain. It was dark in the hall ways. Jacky went in a room and they locked the door.

This chapter is deadicated to JazzHopeSwan. An awesome oc played as Jazz.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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