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I wandered the area hoping to find exactly what I was looking for when I heard the shouting. I looked up and saw that it was two men, one of them I recognized from his daughter standing next to him. The other was obviously a leader. I sighed and moved towards them waving slightly to the girl. She looked up and grinned as she moved away and towards me.

"Hi Lauren." I said softly.

"Hey." She said as she gave me a gentle hug. "How is everybody?" She asked as she adjusted her glasses.

"They're doing good." I said. "All of them are alive."

"That's great!" Lauren said grinning as she brushed back a lock of her long hair and sighed.

"How are things on your end?" I asked hesitantly.

"Not good." She said softly. "Everybody's fighting."

"That really isn't good, is it?" I asked as I looked back to the two men fighting.

"Fighting never is."

"Danielle!" I looked up to see the booth packing up with the others grinning madly. I saw Madi hauling up something massive as she waved my way. The trailer was being hooked up with the goods from the mass trade. Dawnya holding a squirming puppy while a younger girl stood there holding a long haired puppy.

"What did I miss?" I wondered aloud.

"Puppies, little sisters, and apparently the colony is a totalitarian cesspit." Sean said as he passed me with a large load of various bottles varying from gas to medicine. "Yeah we missed out on the puppies and the totalitarian part."

"Oh great." I said sarcastically as I looked at all of them.

"Bad day?" Madi asked sympathetically. I shook my head as I showed her the new cooking wear. "Great, did you get your new shovel?" I sighed as I looked at her and nearly screamed.

"It's alright." Sean said as he passed us. Throwing up a shovel for me to catch as he grabbed Madi's hand. "Someone traded that for a small bushel of hay."

"Thanks." I said softly as I looked to everyone and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Madi asked.

"Something bad happened?" I said as I looked at the both of them.

"Horde bad, or raid bad?" Sean asked bluntly.

"Raid bad." 

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