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   "Ella you head with Sean and Sam to get a weapon." Madi said seriously as we got towards the house. "Be careful and make sure that you listen to him when he tells you how to use it and take care if it."

"Do I need a weapon?" The kid asked softly. I looked to my girlfriend and saw her sigh.

"I'm afraid you do bug." She said softly before kissing the top of her head and nodding to me. "They'll find you something that'll work for you. I trust the both of them immensely, but I have to talk to the girls about something."

"Did something bad happen?"

"Yeah." I said as I looked at the road and saw that Savannah's group beat us there. They held the gate open as we drove through and as we pulled to a stop at my garage. I saw Madi sigh and rub her eyes, her glasses on the dash as she tried to rub the stress away. "Hey, everything will be alright. We'll handle it." I said as I gripped her hand giving it an affectionate squeeze as she sighed.

"Thanks." She said looking up at me and placing a hand on my cheek. Then removing it she pulled on her glasses and popped the car door open. She flexed her hands before heading to the others. I heard the orders called out gently as she called together our leader and Savannah into the house and asked for a few minutes alone. Sending Sam to me and calling Dani forward.

"What's up with them?" Sam asked casting me a worried look.

"There's a problem." I said softly as I looked at him and glanced at Ella. She looked at me before sighing and looking up at my workshop.

"What's this building?"

"Our workshop." Sam said. "Well most of it is Sean's I have a small corner for glass work."

"Glass?" Ella asked softly as she looked at Sam fully now. He nodded grinning and heading towards the doors.
"You like pink right?" He asked as he pushed open the old metal door. She nodded slowly and he grinned. "Then I have just the thing to welcome you to our messed up little family."

"And get you armed for the apocalypse." I said clapping my gloved hands together.
"So I really get a weapon?" Ella asked excitedly. Sam and I stopped and looked at one another with sad eyes.
"Ella, was it?" Sam asked slowly. The kid nodded as he knelt so he could look up at her. "Having a weapon like this isn't something to be happy about. We're doing this so if something happens you have a chance, out there." He said as he looked towards the fence where a zombie stood. She flinched back as she looked at the monster out in the empty field.

"Have you seen a zombie?" I asked as I looked at the girl.

"Not this close. They've always been outside of the walls, dad never let me get close to the walls. No one ever took the chance." She said as she looked at it with wide eyes.

"Did anyone you know get bit?" Sam asked softly. She shook her head slowly as she watched them stumble towards the fence before a shot rang out and I saw Emily standing there with her old revolver.

And I turned back to Ella and she was shaking violently as she looked at the fallen body as Emily sent out someone to put it in the burn pile. "No one I ever knew for sure. People went missing and we couldn't find them. Is this what happened to them?" She asked as she looked at me now.

"Unless you see them. You never know." I said simply as I started for the workshop. "Come on, I'm not letting Madi lose you." I was halfway into the building when she spoke up.

"Do you really care about her?"

"Yeah. You know I really, really, do." I said before heading all the way into my workshop.

"Now isn't this a pretty picture." I looked up from the small weapon I was finishing up and looked at Sam to see him handing Ella a light flower made of translucent pink glass. The flower was one of his experiments that he held back for reference. "See pretty!" He said hopefully, grinning as he let her hold the delicate sculpture.

"Yeah, it is." Ella said softly as she held it gently, her backpack left at the door. "Are you sure you want me to have this?"

"Definitely. Your sister is one of the best people I know, and I say that mostly because she's not only my girlfriends friend, but also she's saved my ass way too many times."

"Language." I said simply. Madi was not going to kill me for corrupting her sister.

"Oh honey." Ella said smirking. "Do you not know who my sister is?" I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and notice the similar smirk of the forsaken "try me" raised brow.

"Touche." I said as I looked at the little girl. "Alright, how do you fight?" I asked spinning on my stool and gestured to the wall of weapons to my right.

"How I fight?" She asked as she looked at me unsure once again as she looked at all the weapons.

"Close range." I said simply as I looked at all my handmade projectiles and customised old tools that I turned into my little killing machines. "Or long range." I said pointing to the weapons I personally made for my girlfriend, who honestly was the only one to ever use them. Sam was working on his aim with the crossbow that I had rigged up but with his bad shoulder his aim was only good if he was hitting the broad side of a barn.

"What do you use?" Ella asked as she looked at me. I looked up and saw Ella standing closer now and she kept her eyes on me. "Which range, I mean."

"Close." I said hesitantly. "I fight up close and personal."

"He uses a massive war hammer that smashes zombie heads like watermelons!" Sam shouted excitedly.

"He does." She said her voice softer now, eyes wide with worry. I sighed and looked at Sam with my most deadpan expression. Of course scar the child for life using me as an example, yes use the boyfriend of her older sister to scar the kid. Brilliant.

"Yes I do. Madi has a long range rifle that she uses to protect anyone outside the fence, Sam here uses something akin to a spear that I built for when he goes out with his girlfriend, Natalie tends to stick towards the smaller blades and a handgun for emergencies. And while we still use guns we tend to keep them as last resort, ammo does run out and unless you have a good aim to make use of the ammo you won't have a gun as a consistent weapon." I said as I looked at her. She nodded and looked at all of the weapons on the wall and pointed at one of my newer ones.

"What is that?" She asked as she looked at it, but thankfully didn't touch.

"That would be an alternate version of Dawnya's weapon. She uses something based off a videogame we had before the infected spread. If you want that you have to talk to her."

"Talk to who about what?" I looked away from the weapons to see Dawnya and Madi standing there in the doorway. Dawnya headed over to Sam and gave him a tired hug as my girlfriend came over and pulled her younger sister into a similar hug.

"Ella likes Dawnya's weapon."

"Kid has good taste." 

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