Chapter 2

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                                   Hosuh's P.O.V
     I looked at Dan, tears filling my eyes as I started to panic.
We live near a shady area. Stephen ran away....what if something bad happens to him?!
He could get kidnapped, beat, hurt, or worse....
Dan put a hand on my shoulder as we locked the front door, smiling weakly at me. "Hosuh, he will be ok. We know he is strong and nothing will happen to him. He will be perfectly safe..."
"O-ok..." I whispered, searching for him frantically and wiping my tears.

After a couple of hours, Dan grabbed my shirt and pulled me to a small alley where no one could see us.
He motioned for me to shut up and we watched silently as a creepy, tall man hurried past us with several other men. It wasn't until after he vanished that I recognized a purple mess of hair on a limp body being carried bridal style.
I held a scream in, my eyes getting big when I realized they had Stephen.

I looked at the ghost white Dan next to me and we exchanged a glance. He nodded and silently slipped after the men.
I took a long, deep breath before following him into the shadows

                                  Stephen's P.O.V
    I woke up alone, my hands bound together behind my back and I seemed to be in a worn down home, possibly a basement due to the lack of light and windows.
I monad groggily and lifted my head up, examining the room I was in. After a couple of confusing minutes, the man that grabbed me earlier appeared at the bottom of the staircase.
I screamed some serious profanity at him, leaping to my feet and stomping them in a childish manner.
His eyes narrowed. "Calm down, kid. You aren't here because your worth the time and effort to kidnap. Your here because I can't give away my identity and I want you as an ally."
"An ally?" I spat. "Hah, bold of you to assume I'm the good guy."
He made a face and sighed, untying my hands.
My first instinct was to swing a punch, but my head told me not to toy with this guy.
"Stephen," he growled quietly at me. "You have two choices. Join me and my team and keep your life and friends, or deny us and we kill you, Hosuh, and your precious Daniel.
I instantly felt all color drain from my face. "No I...who are you anyways? You can stab me all you want for I care just don't touch Dan and Hosuh....please.."
He stepped closer, holding my chin with his ice cold fingers.
I shivered at the evil grin he gave me. "Oh Stephen....I KNOW you don't care about your life. That's why I need your I were you and I loved them and wanted to protect them, I would do the smart thing and surrender to me. All you need to do is steal and kill for me."
"KILL?!" I screamed in horror.
He clamped a hand over my mouth. "Shut up you scum!" He hissed threateningly.
I could feel my breathing grow rapid along with my heart and I stared into his freaky dark eyes in fear.
"Yes," he snarled. "Get over yourself and do what I say, or suffer the consequences."
I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.
Hosuh...Dan...I promised no one would ever hurt you. Your life won't be even remotely like mine....I'm going to protect you. You have no idea how safe you are now....

                                  Dan's P.O.V
I had to hush Hosuh several times to keep him from getting us caught.
Shocker, right?
We sat outside a rickety building, listening to every muffled word from the basement.
When I heard the voices fade, I had to cover my mouth to choke down a sob. I couldn't believe Stephen was hurting himself like this to keep us safe after what we did to him....

I glanced over at the shaking boy next to me and nodded, giving him a clear signal to slip back into the darkness. I took one last look at the creepy house and blew a kiss softly.
"We're coming Stephen...I promise. Just hang in there, buddy."
Then I sprinted after Hosuh to the police station.

The Bad GuyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora